Denny Phillips II. More than great cleaning rods

Mine came yesterday. It's a thing of beauty. I'm almost afraid to run it down a dirty barrel and mess it up:D
Hi Marv!

Hi Marv!
Thank you – I appreciate your kind words more than you know.

Enjoy it! You deserve it! ;)


Denny, are you going to be shooting with us this year ? :D By the way I bought a new Barn Yard rifle, got her all ready to go, waiting on the scope I sent in to be repaired..........Slim
I couldn't agree more. I have yet to find a better rod than Denny's. The same can be said about Denny as a person. He's as nice as they come, and down-to-earth as well.


Denny, are you going to be shooting with us this year ? :D By the way I bought a new Barn Yard rifle, got her all ready to go, waiting on the scope I sent in to be repaired..........Slim

OK Slim its time to level with us on what that new Barnyard rifle is. In the future send all your scopes to me and I will fix and adjust for you. Munn has one I want to work on to.

Gene Stroyan
What makes this rods better then a Dewey or Pro-Shot rod?
Does anyone have a picture of one of these rods?
Thank you
I have this picture of the rod that shows just how well Denny polishes his rods. It's hard to put the whole rod in a picture so you can really see it. I can try and take some more later maybe if you want.

Thank you for the picture. Handle shot could be kinda nice if you could.
So basically, the only difference between his rods and a Dewey or whatnot is because he polishes his rods and the others just leave them matte? Am I missing something? Does his flex better then other kind? Does his handle spin more freely?
Just trying to get an idea as I am looking for a longer rod then what I have.
For one, Denny's rod is straighter than a Pro-Shot rod. It's also more polished and a harder rod, so it is less likely to bend and stay straight for years to come. I have a Pro-Shot rod as well. Denny's rod will smoke it or a Dewey rod. You want to test a rod for straightness by rolling it acrossed a flat surface like a table with the handle just off the edge of course. I just tested Denny's rod on my table after using it for months, and it is still just as perfectly straight as the day I got it. ;) I already went through one Pro-Shot rod because it didn't stay straight. A lot of the Pro-Shot, Dewey rods I have tested as new in a gun shop were bent from the get-go and they are brand new rods mind you. I wouldn't want to put them down one of my barrels.

Here's a few more pictures of Denny's rod.


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Thanks Brad, that does make a lot of since as I noticed my Dewey rod today was bent some when I was doing my final cleaning after the match today. Sounds like a great rod to own.
Next question would be, how do I decide on the lenth of rod to use? Hopefully will be contacting Denny on Monday or Tuesday for a rod.
Thank you
I think mine is 40". 42" is what a lot of guys are going with to make sure the rod clears the tuner with additional weights. Mine works good with the 8oz weight on the end of the tuner and clears the end of it ok. When I add the 5oz weight threaded on to the 8oz weight, which is a total of 21oz of tuner weight, it becomes a little short to take the brush off like Harry Deenan has suggested folks do. I used to not do this, but Harry said he has dinged a crown before by not doing so. It just depends on how long your barrel is and what kind of bore guide you are using. My Benchmark barrel is 26" in length. When I buy another one from Denny, I'm gonna go with a 42" I do believe.

The centerfire guys have discovered Denny's rods as well.

I've told several people on here about Denny's rods. I wouldn't brag about them if I didn't like them regardless of how nice a guy Denny is. :D

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Also the more polished a rod is, the less likely it is to have contaminents from the bore adhere or stick to it. A polished rod like Denny's will in my opinion only help a barrel to last longer when using it to clean a barrel. ;)
I am so glad that just today, Sunday, I E-mailed Denny Phillips regarding the cleaning rod I wanted. I got an answer back from him today, Sunday, telling me he had my order. He even trusted me enough to say "...there will be an invoice included with your order, and you can just drop a check in the mail after you get your order..." :)
Mr. Phillips,

Whats the best way to transport your rods to and from the range? Do they come in a case? The reason I ask is that my current rods have a small end on the rod side of the handle that let's them tension fit into an aluminium tube to protect them.

Rick Curtis

Hi Gene, so you want to ADJUST Dennis's and my scope for us. Nice gesture, I think we will use them as is this upcoming season. Both of us will be trying to dethrone you this year. Maybe with a little luck :p It sure is a long winter isn't it.........Slim
Thanks for the info Brad, looks like an effective and inexpensive way to transport and protect a rod!
