Delaware Winter 600 yds shoots

The match is held at Bridgeville. We started yesterday with the first match of the season. The season runs Aug thru March. We don't have a match in Sept because of the 600yd nationals that normally goes on that month. Oct match will make up for Sept. Oct is a 2 day match. 1 on Sat and 1 on Sun. As of right now we hold IBS matches for this season. As far as being in the IBS next year? We will ask the shooters during this season to see weather to stay in the IBS or pull out and only have club shoots for prizes, like barrels and powder and so on.
Match results.

Brian do you have an email for Bud. I grabbed what I thought was a copy of the results but I only had 1 relay and the equipment list. I'd like to see if he can e-mail me the whole thing. Thanks.