David Reynolds

Thanks for the heads up Bart. David's a good guy for sure.

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I spoke with Charlie & Cheryl Hood at the Shamrock and they said David was not feeling well at that time. David you hang in there tough, our thought's and prayer's are with you and the family.

Russell, Jeanne & Brandon
Darn Bart, I hate to here that. David is one of the Good Guys, he has had a tough fight. Mine and Marilyns prayers are with Him and his Familly.
I talked to David a couple of nights ago. He was in the hospital and really sounded down.

Anything you can do to help his spirits will be good.

Much of the ability to cure our sicknesses is internal and from above. Sometimes medical treatments need help.
Can we get an address to get cards to him? I don't think he reads BR Central. (if you do Dave, keep on fighting, We're with you-- sort of. Hell, I'm just waiting for Mickey's in the fall, 'cause I'm gonna kick your butt!)

Dave's a good man, but it *is* possible for a good man to get down.

I am holding your camping spot cause you told me you would be here. Our thoughts are with you and your family and we expect you to be here this May. Would not be the same without you.


For those that do not know, this is alittle joke btween David and I. I do not expect David to come if he is not able. I just want the man to enjoy life as long as he can, and if you know David he certainly has done that in his life. God Bless him.
I just talked to Billy Stevens. He has been going up to see David and said David has elected for some very serious surgery in the next day or so.

Keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

As of yesterday the doctors did not estimate that David was in good enough shape for the operation. They will evaluate again on Thursday and decide. It is a weird and dangerous procedure that reflects the desperate situation David is in.
I speak to Donna every day and I know that your prayers are very welcome.

Larry Costa