
Dana English

New member
Congratulations to Harley Baker, Larry Costa and Bart Sauter on their introduction into the elite group of Hall of Fame members which was presented at the Super Shoot.

Also to Larry Costa for earning the distinction of Shooter of The Year for 2013. What a great year Larry!!

The persons responsible for the roses given to the ladies was a nice thought!!! Was that you Bart?

And a Big Thank You to the Kelblys and their team for a First Class Event.

Dana English
Thanks Dana!

Yes I was the guy with the roses!

Dee was very sweet and gave us all an embroidered T-shirts!

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Congrats Larry, Bart and Harley!! Y'all done good!! I'm tickled for all of you. Wish I could have been there for the induction.
Yea I will have to join in here to congradulate the new HOF member's Larry, Bart and Harley. I missd the SS again this year but not being there for the induction of these three added to my aggravation (work blah!).

Larry does deserve double congradulations for the way he shot last year, the number of wins, busting into the HOF and attaining Shooter of the Year status.
He better watch out though I plan on shooting more this year, I'm coming for you Larry.:D