Congratulations Sir Charles

Good Shooting Sir Charles

Good Shooting Sir Charles. Kudos to one of benchrest's finest. We Texans are proud of you.
Congratulations Charles and all the other winners. You've done us proud!
You're a class guy and a fierce competitor. You never stumbled the whole time. Great job.
Gene was also right there again, almost making it 4 in a row! Texas has got to be proud!

Congratulations to Charles.

It looks like the wind really kicked up during the HV Competition. I bet Charles thought, "just like Midland".

Good job...........jackie
Congrats to Sir Charles from West Texas

Congrats to you Charles, Everybody here in Odessa/Midland are very proud of you. Rick, Gene, Cecil, Mark and everyone else. You have once again shown the benchrest community how to be a competitive gentleman.

I was emailed to inform me that Gene had won 2 in a row and that this was almost his third, whereas I posted it was 3 already. I stand corrected but still, that's a pretty awesome record.
I also forgot to give Bob Scarborough a big congratulations on a fine 3rd place. You done good.
Way to go Chuck! Great job. Good job to Gene and Bob and all that shot well. I also say congrats to Wayne because he shot really really well and was simply devastated by what happened on his Match 1 yesterday. It takes a lot to stomach that type of incident. That is what makes benchrest so brutal.

Great job Team USA for another win. One also has to congratulate the SA team for a remarkable effort. Each team member seem to shine at the right time to bring home a silver. Congrats to Aussie for the Bronze.

Must have been a memorable event. Well done to all who took part.

To "The King"

Good job Charles,
Some of the newer guys don't even know we all called you "THE "KING' when you were shooting your Unlimited rifle so well!
Looks like "THE KING" is still alive and well!
Excellent job.
Let me add my congratulations too Charles. Your smooth shooting style showed the way.

It was a great shoot, with something different each day, from good some days to horrible at times during the 200yard event. Throw in a nearby bushfire and that's Australia for you.

Brendan Atkinson