Congratulations Gene

Congratulations Gene!!!!

Congrats on your big win at the Super Shoot! All your hard work and dedication has paid off in a big way. :)

See you when you get home.


Way to go Gene. If you remember, I told you in Seymour that this was your year to win the Super Shoot.

I am happy for you!

Good Shooting Gene. World Champion, Super Shoot Champion. I see "NBRSA 3 and 4 Gun Champion" in your near future..........jackie
Congratulations Mr. Buckys!
I guess that you've received the NEO rest. I included a one pc 3" bag along with the adjustable 3 pc bags (they are interchangeable). If you have any questions about the rest & bags please feel free to contact me....

Also congratulations to the Top 20 finishers!

Congratulations Gene, I guess some of the Yankee VoDoo wore off on you when loading in the Yankee tent at the Shamrock.:D

Dan Honert
Gene also won the SS Warm-up match at the Chippewa Rifle Range. He is truly on fire. Congratulations, James
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Great shooting Gene......

For the 3 years that I have been attempting to figure this game out and following it, your name has consistently been at or near the top. Whatever you do to consistantly stay at the top I wish I had a small portion of it. It takes a lot of work, good barrels, the ability to stay on top of the tune, and finally an uncanny eye for reading the wind. It appears you have all of the above the last 3 years from what I have seen.

I wish I had more time to talk to you when loading across from you at the Nationals in Kansas. I knew that shoot was the final qualifying shoot for the US World team so I did not want to be an unnecessary distraction.

Again, congrats from the land of OH Canada.

Congratulations Gene,

Not only are you a very accomplished shooter, but you carry the name "champion" the way a true champion should. I look forward to shooting with and against you in France.

Thanks to everybody for all the kind words of congratulations, and a special thank you, to Seb for that amazing NEO rest ---it is truly a work of art. I'll try to post a pic of it here in the next day or two so that everybody can see just what a piece of work that rest is.

I'm still thinking that this is just a dream---I'm sure going to be disappointed when I wake up ---
