

New member
Woke up this morn. To -35 deg.!!!!
Yesterday -25 deg.,day before -21 deg.
Sure do wish i was at the shot show--or anywhere warmer!!
Guess i'll stay in and turn brass tonight-the truck was jellin up
on the way to work.
Mark b
Hot here

Come on out to CA, it was so warm here yesterday I had to drink a six pack of Bud after shooting all day. After the way I shot I had to drink!
CA has some pitfalls but weather isn't one of them.

Happy Shooting

Hey Man

Woke up this morn. To -35 deg.!!!!
Yesterday -25 deg.,day before -21 deg.
Sure do wish i was at the shot show--or anywhere warmer!!
Guess i'll stay in and turn brass tonight-the truck was jellin up
on the way to work.
Mark b

Quit yer whining ya big sissy. Been about the same here, except we've been getting more snow that you:p I was fireforming brass shooting out of the scalehouse door yesterday at 17 below:eek:

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Woke up this morn. To -35 deg.!!!!
Yesterday -25 deg.,day before -21 deg.
Sure do wish i was at the shot show--or anywhere warmer!!
Guess i'll stay in and turn brass tonight-the truck was jellin up
on the way to work.
Mark b

We're having nice January weather in the Pittsburgh area. It was waaayyyyy warmer than your -35 on the way in this morning..........the thermometer in my dash showed -6.

HOT!!! Downunder

We had 112Deg + a few days back, just west of Sydney ,Most Keen BR shooters are headed for the Australia day Matches in Canberra next week were its just as HOT,
Now you guys can fly down here and shoot AND get $1.50 for your Dollar

regards Robin
My brother asked me last week if I'd help out at the shop Wed, Thur an Fri. So I said, yes. I get there Wed and he's going to the Shot Show!! I spent three days in the shop on the lathe......... today we hit a high of 44 in the shop!!! Now that's cold!

Jeff Aberegg
Blame Global Warming. :(
But not to worry, Congress will have law written and passed by memorial day, which will reverse this unnatural heat and with the help of our new president save the earth. If the new laws and governmental regulations work as planned, things should be cooling off by this time next year.
Your congress is here to help/save you. :)
A Little Nippy

AT 05;30 this morning it was a pleasant -6 below. Went back and check as it was cracking daylight and it was -17 below. Yesterday morning it got down to -23 below. Our snow has settled down to about 17 inches on the flat but we are supposed to pick up another 8 inches over the weekend.

Harrison, Michigan
We broke a record today, by 6 degrees!!! Got up to 50 here in Anchorage. Yep, that would be Alaska. There was a rainbow this afternoon, damndest thing I've ever seen...
In my part of Iowa, it was minus 36 this morning, after being a balmy minus 30 yesterday morning. We also have about 18 inches of snow on the ground. Every piece of diesel equipment that I didn't have room for in the heated shop had trouble running. It's really cold when you're changing fuel filters and your hands a covered in diesel fuel.

JIm Carstensen

The high yesterday was 12 in Baltimore. That's cold for us. The coldest I've ever seen was -2, and we were hunting geese.
It’s been cold in western Iowa too.
Our Ford garden tractor snow blower was having a hard time starting @-20 yesterday morning so I went to the local farming supply store. When the girls behind the counter asked if they could help me find something I told them I was looking for a “dipstick heater”,,, its about 7” long…..
About half an hour later I figured out why they were laughing so hard. :eek: And luckily we found our misplaced dipstick heater at the shop so I didn’t have to ask anyone else.
Woke up this morn. To -35 deg.!!!!
Yesterday -25 deg.,day before -21 deg.
Sure do wish i was at the shot show--or anywhere warmer!!
Guess i'll stay in and turn brass tonight-the truck was jellin up
on the way to work.
Mark b

Where I live, a suburb of Sydney Australia, it was 107.6 degrees. Would you really want to be here?:D
Bout Like That In Houston

Tommorrow is Sunny and 72 degrees, much of the week the same.

Even though I have been sick for three days, (with what ever is going around), I just might make it up to Tomball tommorrow.