Coaxial Front Rest?


Hi. Very new to BR. I do have a Caldwell Rock Br front rest but would like to buy a Coaxial rest. I'm not to the point where I'm ready for a $2k Farley but would like something a little higher quality then a Battenfield Joystick. Anything middle of the road that you guys can recommend? Thanks in advance for your reply.
Hi. Very new to BR. I do have a Caldwell Rock Br front rest but would like to buy a Coaxial rest. I'm not to the point where I'm ready for a $2k Farley but would like something a little higher quality then a Battenfield Joystick. Anything middle of the road that you guys can recommend? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Well, the Farleys can be bought used for $800-$900, regularly on here and other shooting site classifieds. I'd look into that and you might call Butch Lambert, on here, who seels a Shadetree Engineering co-ax rest top. I think his tops are around $400 but you still need a base. A decent base can be bought used or you may even have one. Also, I think still carries one that's not terrible.

Nothing wrong with Butch's top but I'd look for a good used Farley. Mainly due to the base being better than most that you'll find to put his top on and resale value. If you buy a Farley for $800, chances are, it'll still be an $800 rest in 5 years.

You might even consider a custom base with Butch's top. I recently shot off of a Farley, and while I liked it pretty well, it wasn't anywhere near as heavy as my personal rest. Extra weight comes in handy if you ever plan to shoot a 30BR. Not as much of a concern for PPC only shooting, but you might want to keep your options open. Mine is at 35 lbs.

Hi. Very new to BR. I do have a Caldwell Rock Br front rest but would like to buy a Coaxial rest. I'm not to the point where I'm ready for a $2k Farley but would like something a little higher quality then a Battenfield Joystick. Anything middle of the road that you guys can recommend? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Listen to what Mike Ezell said. If you shoot a 30BR you don't need the extra weight. Most people are using Farley's or a Seb Neo. The Farley's are a bit heavier than the NEO, but trust me I shoot many 30BR's and a 30x46 and the extra weight is a burden. I bought and used a Seb Max 1 time in SR score, BIG MISTAKE! It was like hauling around a boat anchor. A rest in the 20-26 lb range is more than enough.
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Thanks guys. I'm starting out in the production class with a Savage LRPV in 6 BRN. I contacted Butch and he said I could use my base. That sounds like the ticket for me. I won't need anything for a couple months, so I'll keep my eye on the classifieds.
I love my Shadetree top. I bought a no-name custom rest made by some guy out in the midwest from Dennis Diego. I put the shadetree top on it and it's perfect. I don't know the total weight, but I'd say it's under 20 pounds.
Well, I consider myself lucky. I found a nice man that was willing to sell me a SEB NEO that he wasn't using. Now all I have to do is get my new rifle set up, learn how to reload, and get some practise in. Thanks for all the response.