Chris Ross Passed May 2


idaho bruce

One of our Northwest shooters and our good friend, Chris Ross, passed on Saturday May the 2nd from Lou Gerhig's disease. He was a regular shooter at the Tacoma Rifle and Revolver Club. Chris could shoot his sighter target better that the best of us. He no longer suffers now and is in a better place, please say a prayer.
I met Chris at the Nationals in KC back in '10. He seemed like a nice fellow and I am sure that he will be missed. We are diminished. My prayers to friends and family. James Mock
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I had the

pleasure of shooting against Chris at Rosebud. Rosebud is located in Kananaskis Country just about 50 minutes west of Calgary Alberta.

If memory serves me right, it was 2012 that Chris came up and shot the BRSC Nationals in Rosebud. He would drag his fold down tent trailer and camp out while I camped in the loading shack. We would share a few beverages under a Coleman lantern straining to prep our brass for the next day. Chris ended up winning the Nationals that year. He was a bit emotional in doing so. That October in Phoenix at the NBRSA Nationals was when we first heard of his illness.

Paul Ross(left) congratulating Chris on his 2 gun win.

The joke always was that Chris was Paul's cousin or as I used to say "Brother from another Mother"

RIP Chris



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Chris was a dedicated shooter. He would travel 750 miles round trip to come to the matches in Tacoma, WA.
He also was a retired Marine Biologist, with a Masters Degree. Chris always had a good 4 n 1 story to tell, and was a great competitor. Win or lose!
Mostly, he was a friend. We are diminished.......
In Tacoma, it seemed like Chris and I ended up shooting next to each other more than the law of averages. We always kidded about his last minute flag adjustments, the fliers and that we needed to be serious that weekend and limit our laughing and joking. One particular afternoon of shooting, after 2 nice shots on the record target, I discovered that my just cleaned trigger would fire when Chris shot on the next bench. So I figured out his pace and made sure my rifle was loaded and aimed before he pulled the trigger on his gun. Chris unknowingly shot my last 3 shots that afternoon, right into the group! Amazingly, everything worked out and I got the small group in that 200yd match. I quickly switched rifles, shared Chris' accomplishment with him and had another reason to not be too serious that day.

Chris is no longer suffering. He is in a better place. However we are left missing another friend who will not be joining us at the range. Rest in peace my friend.

When Chris came up to his last Canadian Nationals he had been in the hospital and just got out in time to wire his tent trailer and get to the match. I could tell he wasn't feeling all that well, but he came anyway! He was always the last one to the firing line and the first one in the BBQ line! I will miss the stories and fun had. Rest in peace Chris.