Chargemaster help please!


Got a new chargemaster that won't stop dispensing. As soon as I turn the machine on it begins dropping. It does not have a load in it or any programming done yet. No button will stop it from running. Only thing I can do is turn the power off or unplug it. The "cancel/stop" button does nothing. Is it defective or am I just stupid. Can't find anything in the instructions other that hit the stop button.


Have had mine for 2 years an not a problem yet.Are you caliberating it before you trey to dispence any powder?If you still have problems contact rcbs they will take care of you.
It starts dispensing powder as soon as you turn it on. Nothing will stop it unless you turn the power off or unplug it.
Only easy thing...

I can think of might have to do with the auto dispense mode being set, and that's a long shot. In that mode, as soon as the scale reads zero it starts a dispense cycle. You can disable it by depressing some button that is outlined on the last page or so of the manual. I don't remember which is it. Mine came with that mode enabled but it didn't just take off like yours.

It does sound like it's broke but you might want to try to take it out of this mode as a final resort before sending it back. Oh, and consider unplugging the scale from the unit and reconnecting as perhaps a connection became loose during shipping. Good luck....
Call RCBS. Something has shorted out. They will fix it with no questions asked. Great customer support.
Mark ...

Got a new chargemaster that won't stop dispensing. As soon as I turn the machine on it begins dropping. It does not have a load in it or any programming done yet. No button will stop it from running. Only thing I can do is turn the power off or unplug it. The "cancel/stop" button does nothing. Is it defective or am I just stupid. Can't find anything in the instructions other that hit the stop button. Thanks, Mark

Have you called RCBS yet ??? After all, they make it. The number is 800-533-5000 Monday through Thursday. Ask for Don Legg Jr. He'll get to the crux of your problem pronto. He's the programming guru for it, and can even help you speed up the delivery of the powder, once your initial problem is solved. ;)
I've gone thru three of them since they were introduced and over time, the keypad circuits simply wear out and have to be replaced. But RCBS has always been great about it and has sent new units without even charging shipping. Great customer service for a great product. They still are the best dispensing unit on the market but I would like to see the circuitry upgraded to an actual "Button" interface instead of the pressure faceplate.
I am sure they will take care of me, I just wanted to start working with it on this long weekend.

I will try taking the two sections apart, but the motor circuit seems to be stuck in a closed circuit position.


Call the RCBS 800 number and ask for Don Legg Jr. He's the Chargemaster guru. I've used two of them almost daily since 2005, no problems at all.

Try one thing first. Hold down the Enter and Edit Mem keys at the same time and see if it goes into Parameter mode. If it does, keep pressing the Enter key till it reboots (about 15-20 times). This may reset it.
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RCBS is a good Service company and can trouble shoot it on the phone, and if not fixable they will exchange it

I tried your suggestion, nothing seems to stop the motor from running. Looking like this will have to wait until Tues. It's not too often I get a three day window like this. Dissapointing.

Sorry for butting in on this thread - but I also have a chargemaster question.

I do not own one - but was wondering if I could use my 705 rangemaster scale with the chargemaster or do I need the 1500?

Sorry Chief

You will need the 1500, its made to "plug in" to the dispensing portion of the system.

This a fantastic device, and a great addition to the loading bench.
Apollo ...

I do not own one - but was wondering if I could use my 705 rangemaster scale with the chargemaster or do I need the 1500? Thanks, Stanley

I've never seen any advertising by RCBS that the Charge Master would integrate with anything other than the 1500 scale. However, the definitive response should be entrusted to the Designer/Manufacturer @ 800-533-5000. :)
There's a trickle button, but I doubt it integrates with any other scale.