Cactus Warm-Up Match Report and Results


Jeff Welker

The match began with a moment of silence out of respect for shooters Jeff Welker (who is recovering from a gender change operation) and Tom Libby (who was absent because Carolyn had him duct taped in the closet). The silence was broken by an explosive blast of flatulence from Joe Pipola and the match began.

Conditions were nice on Saturday morning with 3-7 mph winds and no mirage. As is typical for Ben Avery, afternoon winds picked up to 5-10 mph with a few slow changes in direction. Sunday morning brought 5-8 mph wind, no mirage, and angle changes. Like Saturday, the Sunday afternoon wind picked up to 8-12 mph with less angle changes, but more changes in velocity. Temperatures were 48 to 67 on Saturday and 45 to 61 Sunday with a cold damp wind chill (remember that I’m getting my conditions report from Ocock who thinks anything under 80 degrees is cold). While Ben Avery will never be accused of being a “lollypop range”, the conditions were favorable for shooting good groups.

A first timer to Phoenix, Joe Bowers, shot very well over all and had a really tidy .140 group at LV 200. Dave Woodward (Mr. Humble) won his first Agg and Grand during the match – way to go Joe and Dave!

As a result of left coast surgeries, injuries and illness; Lou Murdica was asked to carry the weighty mantle of shooting excellence for all California – way to represent Lou!

Below are a few photos and the match report. Enjoy and see you at the Cactus!





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Thanks Jeff

Love your reports with pictures and everything.

Thanks, cause a lot of us out West need to know!

Congrats to the winners and thanks for the great pics as usual Jeff. See you next month.

Btw, who's that funny looking guy in the back row behind Dave and Roy??:D:D
What gender are you going to try next?

Be careful when Libby comes out of the closet. Don

That will be a surprise for you at the Cactus - hint; I hope you like my dress :eek:

The Clown Prince of Benchrest is already out of the closet - he is relearning how to square dance with his new hip :D
