Boat tail vs Flat base bullets in a 6ppc


Which do you prefer and why?

I've read that BT bullets shoot better in cut rifled barrels, and cut rifled barrels seem to dominate the field from what I've seen, but I do still see a lot of guys using flat base.

I'm currently using a Krieger 4 groove 13.5 twist, but I have yet to try flat base bullets. I know the best way to figure out what your rifle likes is to simply try different bullets but I was hoping there was a good reason why shooters choose specific base style and ogives. If so I would love to know why...
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Which do you prefer and why?

I've read that BT bullets shoot better in cut rifled barrels, and cut rifled barrels seem to dominate the field from what I've seen, but I do still see a lot of guys using flat base.

I'm currently using a Krieger 4 groove 13.5 twist, but I have yet to try flat base bullets. I know the best way to figure out what your rifle likes is to simply try different bullets but I was hoping there was a good reason why shooters choose specific base style and ogives. If so I would love to know why...

I think you'r referring to an observation by Tony Boyer. I think it probably would take a LOT of shooting to make that determination. I doubt most of us will live that long!
Hi Rob,

be neutral about this topic because everything is right and wrong.

Dependig of you but what i can suggest is try to use FB even if you shooting 13.5" rifling cut because imo does no matter cut or botton rifled barrel bat from the stability.

Because FB are more stable than BT compared at the same barrel your shooting will be not so much affect negative opposite than BT that will show some flyers in critical condition of climate and temperature.

If you want use BT is necessary to go down almost 1- 12.5" or almost 1-13" twist rifled barrel.

If you do not wanna take a risk use FB, is easy to guess the reason why berger now, for 6PPC rifled in 14" suggest BT made by .790 jackets


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I use FB

bullets all the time in 13.5 to 14 tw bbls. Never had an issue even in really cold weather. 65-68 gr on a .825 jacket.

ity60107 - you can edit your post by clicking "Edit Post". What you did is fine but I'm just saying in case you didn't see that.
I shoot both 66 and 68 grn FB and Boatails, long bearing surface with small number ogives and high number ogives with not much bearing surface at all in 13.5 4 groove cut rifled Barrels.

No problems with stability in any.
I have fb and bt bulletts from 65 to 68gr with eather j4 790 or 825 jackets, each lot had different ogives depending on the point up die that i used. As a former bullett maker I made all kinds of different weights with different ogives, and I made plenty of them. When tuning my barrels I will try both fb and bt. I use bartlien barrels with gain twist. Sometimes they like fb and sometimes it’s the bt, Let your barrel tell you what it wants.