Best Redfield sights?


New member
I recently got an H&R M12 without the sights. I've been told that these rifles originally came with Redfield Palma rear sights and Redfield Olympic front sights



It appears that I have a choice of whether to use the original Palma/Olympic set up or to use Redfield International or Olympic front/rear sights.

Anyone have any opinions on which of these sights (International, Palma or Olympic) are the best? What is a decent price for these various sights?

Thanks, Steve
Any of those

I preferred International Mark 8's, but when they quit making them I switched.
I've used Redfield Olympic's as well. You might check Ebay, as every now and then some will pop up. I've paid as high as $150 for the Mark 8 Rear. Olymin and International Fronts will run around $50. I currently have a Gamann Rear I paid $395 for.

You gun looks like it was shot by a lefty.
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there are currently some available thru cmp, but they will not last long.

I like the palma you can add the nice adj eye piece. and cmp did have them for $150.
I acquired a Redfield International rear sight and an Olympic front sight and mounted same. Finally got to the range yesterday and fired it.

8 rounds of Walmart $1.59 Federal .22 ammo @ 100 yards




I think I'm going to like this one