Benchrest school at Williamsport



We have put together an agenda for a 1000 yard benchrest school at Williamsport to be held in May 2008 based on the feedback I get from this forum. A couple of dates have been suggested and I need feedback to schedule and go forward with the school. The school would be hosted by Hall of Fame shooters and would include precision reloading, load development, bench and rest techniques and match shooting. There would be a rifle available for every participant. Cost would be $200 per shooter. The problem is that there has been a proposal put forward to have the school on a match weekend so that participants could see all the different guns and participate in a regular match. The schedule for the match weekend school would be check in Thursday, classes and load prep on Friday and shoot on Saturday during a regular match. On a non match weekend the schedule would be check in Friday, classes on Saturday and shoot Sunday, ending at Noon Sunday. More prep and class work with the second option, more familiarization and shooting with the first option. I need feedback from forum members on the different options and an intent on whether there is interest in the school. Please send me a PM indicating interest, questions, and which option you prefer. If you want to talk in person to someone go to and speak to either Joe Salt or Matt Dienes on the contact page. Their numbers are listed. I believe there are shooters out there that would be interested in such a school and this would give those shooters an oppurtunity to learn the skill at the hands of very skilled shooters in an unintimidating environment. I will reply to all PMs.
Great idea

I live in Santa Fe New Mexico and have a double graduation in May near Philadelphia. Also my brother lives on Kane Ave in South Williamsport. Keep us updated.


Ted Sierocinski
Benchrest School- great idea --

Hi, since I'm new to the 1000yd game. (shot in one match at Williamsport last year) the school concept would be great for me.
I know everyone has "conflicts" but my daughter is graduating from college May 18th- so if it's that weekend I can't do it.
I have another friend who will be at the Supershoot May 18-25---he also wants to do the school.
Just sending this along FYI
Thanks-great idea,
I'm in Virginia and would definitely be interested in attending. Assuming we'd have time to practice on Friday to get a feel for the distance, I think shooting a match would be a fine way to put into practice what is learned in the class.
I would be interested in attending if it's the 2nd option. Spend more time learning, rather than rushing thru the class just to shoot a scheduled match.
Yeah, I might amend my earlier statement about shooting a match if the given "training" time is deemed insufficient. Maybe a simulated match where the instructors could walk us through it more slowly and with less distraction would be a better idea?
Yeah, I might amend my earlier statement about shooting a match if the given "training" time is deemed insufficient. Maybe a simulated match where the instructors could walk us through it more slowly and with less distraction would be a better idea?
I like that Idea myself
That would be what I would prefer, but it was suggested about having new shooters at a match as a way to show a number of different guns, options and meet with other shooters. From a pure learning standpoint, I'd opt for the school alone.
I am interested but not in the match shoot. Who wants the pressure of competition if they never shot 1000 yrds before? I also have my own rifle (6mm BR) and gear, and would prefer to use it.

I am interested but not in the match shoot. Who wants the pressure of competition if they never shot 1000 yrds before? I also have my own rifle (6mm BR) and gear, and would prefer to use it.


I agree with Tom. I would rather use my .308, a rifle I know and plan on using rather than an unknown rifle. I would rather be with a group of people rather new to LR instead of shooting in a match. Plus with a school shooting during a match, we could be a pain in the ass to them. Either way count me in.
I am interested but not in the match shoot. Who wants the pressure of competition if they never shot 1000 yrds before? I also have my own rifle (6mm BR) and gear, and would prefer to use it.

Well, there's your first thing you need to loose is the idea that for some reason there should be "pressure" while shooting. It's just not so. Certainly not when you begin shooting. Nobody at these matches is so far removed from their first match that they've forgotten what that was like. Any one of them will do whatever they can to make certain you have your best chance of getting all shots on the target and as centered as possible. There's no reason to worry about shooting in a match. Lots of folks (like near every one at the range) began competitive shooting that way.

Sighter periods are too long for almost all shooters except the ones who are having equipment problems on the line. Barring that, there's seldom a time where a person isn't sitting talking with someone touse up the time. There's nor eason to be worried there. For the record string, you've got what feels like all day. A majority of shooters use between 5% and 10% of the alloted time. Thus, there's no rush there either.

At Williamsport last year, only 17 shooters made it to the season's end with all shots hitting the targets. That's with 90 shooters per class per match, average for the year. In other words, it's not easy and nobody there laughs at you when you don't have all shots on paper. From the 04-07 seasons, only ONE shooter has all shots on paper for those four years alone. One shooter. In other words, when you get to the club and have a bad day, believe me, nobody is there laughing under their breath point'n at ya. If they are looking, it's because they're shaking their head in disgust, remembering back to the last time THEY had a day like that. Everybody has em, and I do mean everybody. Welcome to shooting.
dont worry ...just have fun..

REDCROW,,,,just DO IT as they will never forget your first day of shooting at long range.....and dont worry ...there are lots of seasoned shooters that will be more of a "pain in the ass" to the others than you...hahah.....Roger
there are cirtain things you can't learn in a class.controling your nerves is will learn this in matchs.take the class then jump 4mesh said no one will laugh and there are alot of people willing to help you.
there are cirtain things you can't learn in a class.controling your nerves is will learn this in matchs.take the class then jump 4mesh said no one will laugh and there are alot of people willing to help you.
No one laughing

Most of the laughter comes from the target room when they get a look at my target. There is usually fear on the line when I step up. I may attend the school.
Years ago i had my first 1000yard match in Williamsport and it was REAL fun.
NO ONE is laughing at a Roukie....!!
When i read that thread i was dreaming to take those classes........but.......
flying in from Germany for a +/-weekend seems a bit expencive..
REALY i would like.........


If it were one of the first couple weekends in May, I would definitely sign up. Any format would be fine with me. Any later in the month would conflict with the annual prairie dog safarie in SD over Memorial Day weekend. :)
It sure is a great idea!
Alan from VA.
Dates are set

The dates are set for the school at Williamsport. The classes will be held on May 9th, 10th and 11th. EVERYTHING will be provided for the classes. All a shooter has to bring is a healthy desire to learn. I have begun to accept registrations and a few spots are left. If I have not gotten back to anyone please mail me direct at and I will get back to everyone about the details. The cost is $200. Years of experience is brought to the classes by the instructors who are all Hall of Fame members. If you have ever thought about getting into this sport, here is an opportunity to learn from the best. Come join us.
benchrest school

One flyer is there going to be FOOD available.