Bench Rotation

Its really according to the range as to where rotation relates to fairness. Some ranges have honey holes, especially the ranges we have in the mountains where there the range is built in a hollar. Would I not go if that were the case, I probably would go anyway. What I really don't like is where the computer draws. I pays my money I wants to draw my card..
Years ago, I was planning to attend a match in another State, and I was informed that they not only did not rotate, the locals had their choice of which bench they wanted.

I stayed home. That range no longer holds Registered Matches.........jackie
No effect. I prefer the shoots that I go to where you shoot all day on the same bench and rotate the next day. At our club shoots we rotate after each agg unless the weather is terrible. Then we will rotate the next day.

I've always thought that if you left me on one bench to figure it out I'd shoot a smaller agg than continuing to move and relearning each bench.
Doesn't matter to me one bit in fact I would expect it. Those who won't show up because of something like that will probably find some other reason not to come in the future.
Great question Buddy; I don't think bench rotation or not would stop me from attending a match. However, I do believe rotating benches for each yardage would be the fairest way to go.
i dont usually stir the pot, but what Jackie alluded to cant happen if the computer does the draw. you may like to draw YOUR bench outa a hat but that leaves room for someone to draw their bench out when and how they choose, which might lead to a bench in a certain well liked position. the computer dont know and dont care.

a club match that lets us set up anywhere- heck i choose what i think is the worst bench on the range to practice on.
Bench rotation is not a cut and dried situation. It depends on the range. I agree with Jackie on the range he talked about, but you have to remember, every range, and staff are different. And to close down a range because someone decides that the proper rules were not followed, who looses. I still go along with the rules for National events, but not for the local matches. Example, my home range has a county bylaw that shooting can not start until 10:00am on Sunday, no exceptions. We shoot the 200 HV in the morning, change benches, which I am aganist, shut down for 1 hour, which "ALWAYS" goes to 1 3/4 hours for lunch and flags, and then start up at about 2 to 2:30 for the 200 LV. Want to take a wild guess when we finish? We have people who don't show up because of that. So at the risk of losing 2 locals because they want to be there personally for the "OFFICIAL" draw we lose 5 travellers. My weekly rant is over.
Sometimes this can happen.

A few years ago, we were at a Region Match where the range is considered fairly neutral. It was decided that no rotion was needed. However, I won the morning 100 shooting on the far left side, and my bench partner took second.

Guess what. Someone then decided that we would rotate. True Story...........jackie
Sometimes this can happen.

A few years ago, we were at a Region Match where the range is considered fairly neutral. It was decided that no rotion was needed. However, I won the morning 100 shooting on the far left side, and my bench partner took second.

Guess what. Someone then decided that we would rotate. True Story...........jackie

The "honey hole" one day, or even for just a while, may not be the "honey hole" later. And honey holes tend to follow the better shooters around, wherever they go.;)--Mike Ezell
The "honey hole" one day, or even for just a while, may not be the "honey hole" later. And honey holes tend to follow the better shooters around, wherever they go.;)--Mike Ezell

You should get yourselve a "small" hammer and even "smaller" nails because you will never miss the nail.
I believe that all registered shoots should have at least a rotation in the middle of each day's shoot. I will relate a true story about bench rotation. The match director stated that there would be no rotation because one of the charter members did not like to rotate. This was a regional shoot and when asked who this member was.......the director stated that he was not present for this shoot. On this range, ones position did matter and no, they did not rotate. By the way, that range no longer holds registered matches. James