Being anel and farewell



Some people are just anel about this board.
They are Rude and unproductive
I will post no longer , either to help or inform any one.
The internet

This is the internet and some folks take themselves much to seriously :)=

Ideas and opinions with more than half if it BS.

YES! even at

We are responsible for our own decisions.
Gerry--don't get upset over this--many here have nothing better to do except whine about safety issues. When you get older and don't get enough fiber or the Depends are dirty then you get a little short with others. Always remember as we age change is progressively viewed as a bad thing even if it may save a life or prevent a lawsuit.

This is a hot topic. Adults do not feel comfortable when they are treated like children. This is in any endevour, whether it be on the job, or participating in a dicsipline such as Benchrest Shooting.

I have re-read your post several times, and the only thing that was out of placewas the "english language" quip. Leave that out, and I suppose everything else is true, abiet some open to one opinion, (the too much language thing at the National Meeting).

We strive to make a cut above. We want shooters who are interested in extreme accuracy to feel confident that this is the site to come for good old down to earth realism when it comes togetting everything out of your Rifle, especially when it comesto accuracy. This info, more times than not, comesfrom those who actually do it.

The internet seems to bring out the worst in many. Why not help it bring out the best.........jackie
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my 2 cents

Just my 2 cents...

As shooters all over the world are pushed further into a defensive position each year we should stick together as much as possible and not let our petty differences come into playing. This is just what our adversaries hope for. Before we say something about somebody we should always consider the message in the tale of the two wolves

An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.”
“One is evil: he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego.
The other is good: he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.
This same fight is going on inside you — and inside every other person, too.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather,
“Which wolf will win?”
The old chief answered…
“The one you feed.”

Good shooting and keep your powder dry

I don't know what this is about exactly but

Some people are just anel about this board.
They are Rude and unproductive
I will post no longer , either to help or inform any one.

As they say in Show Business, " Don't let the bastards see you sweat" or something like that. Don't allow another person force you into silence. You owe it to yourself and others here to stand your ground, say what you think and be part of this "Discussion".

I have said things on here in the past that I regretted and either apoligized for them or deleted what I wrote. It is all to easy when one is at a distance from another to say things in writing they would never say in person; just seems to be a truth. As an example, people will tell you things about themselves in a discussion on the computer they would never say in person ( speaking as one who has used the "Computer Dating Feature". Beleave me, many things and some one might not want to know!

Your opinions are as valid as anyone else and we all make errors using the language so stick around. We want you here with us.


As they say in Show Business, " Don't let the bastards see you sweat" or something like that. Don't allow another person force you into silence. You owe it to yourself and others here to stand your ground, say what you think and be part of this "Discussion".

I have said things on here in the past that I regretted and either apoligized for them or deleted what I wrote. It is all to easy when one is at a distance from another to say things in writing they would never say in person; just seems to be a truth. As an example, people will tell you things about themselves in a discussion on the computer they would never say in person ( speaking as one who has used the "Computer Dating Feature". Beleave me, many things and some one might not want to know!

Your opinions are as valid as anyone else and we all make errors using the language so stick around. We want you here with us.


Well said, I agree with you 100%

MAD Dog Certainly live,s up to his Handle.
Thanks for the klind word's and encouragement'
That said There are many way,s to correct or disagree with some one.
Mad dog shows an AGRESSIVE ATTITUDE,
Constructive critisizim is alway,s welcome. I never minded being corrected. It's ATTITUDE.
I guess he comes from the School of win at any COST even your integrity,
Lets face it not many on this board are Rich , and INTEGRITY IS one of the few thing's we won't compromise My intent was to let Jerry Sherritt know what the score is .
BY the way I was incorrect on the ENGLISH language also.
I talked with another shooter that also was at the meeting and this was brought up.
And by the Way I"M NOT A NEW SHOOTER.
I have been around Quite a while Maybe Late 60's
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