Beggs Tuner Success


New member
I have been quite for some time on the tuner subject, but I have had a couple of good things happen using tuners and wanted to share a couple of Ideas. In competition I use them and believe in them, but not to the point I think I have learned all about them nor that they are the end all. Just another way to tune that works well with good results and some challenges.

With all that said, I wanted to go Prairie dog shooting and needed a short range small gun that shot well, so I got a Ruger 17hmr, it shot 1.5" groups and so I had it accurized by a world class gun smith. It shot terrible, about an 1.5" group at 100 before and after the work which was extensive, even with sorted ammo of the brand that shot the best. After which I sent it back to Ruger and they were great, and replace every thing but the action, when it returned it shot terrible, so back to the gunsmith to redo the accurizing on the stock, trigger and barrel, when it came back still no happy day 1.5" was the norm. I set it aside for a year until a dog shooting trip came up and Gene Beggs had gotten me a set of his tuner weights. I looked them over and could see I needed a body because the barrel was smaller than the hole in the weights, so I turned one on my lathe in short order, all fit great.

Off to the range, I set up in normal Texas conditions and said a prayer. My first group was 1.5" I turned the weights in 1/2 turn and the gun shot a group of less than .5". I then shot many groups moving just a bit to and fro in a controled test and never improved on that position, but did shoot some really good groups. NONE above .5" when in the zone above and to my knowledge it never has shot a group larger than that and I have never had to change the position.

So Off to the dog fields, To say I am happy with all this is an understatement. I shot dog after dog and that little gun and cartridge just eats them up out to 200 yards. My buddy took it away from me and he did the same. I know this is where I lose you, but this was in west texas wind of 20mph, the bullet traces so predictably you can shoot it even in the wind if you have studied wind charts. I actually killed a few way out there (beyond belief).

Bottom line tuners can help a gun in some cases surprisingly and that includes guns for competition as well as high percision hunting guns. I had tried the rubber things with no success. But the Beggs weights and a base to fit the end of the muzzle was easy and produced a really good result.

Hope it helps you, I love accurate guns.
