Bedding a Rem XR-100?



Would you bed the whole action or just the recoil lug and tang?

Thanks, Tom
I bedded the whole action and the first 2" of barrel. I also added pillars and it shrunk my groups down to under 1/2". It started off averaging about .85" or so. Big difference!
"And a drafted recoil lug added to the bottom of the action."
Dan are you saying that a recoil lug should be welded to the bottom of the action to get the best results? Could you expand a little on your comment. Interesting if I understand correctly.

Glenn B.
Well, I bedded the whole action. No pillars, I don't think you need them with the laminated stock of the XR-100. Didn't bed under the barrel either and the recoil lug post just lost me.

Well, I bedded the whole action. No pillars, I don't think you need them with the laminated stock of the XR-100. Didn't bed under the barrel either and the recoil lug post just lost me.


Let us know how it shoots.
A drafted rectangular lug can easily be attached by drilling & tapping 2 holes in the action bottom.
Fly cut top/bottom surfaces of rectangle lug parallel.
Fly cut drafted sides/ends.
C'bore(3/16" depth) both through holes to facilitate surface grinding socket head attachment bolts flush after installation.

TIG Welding is not required,but an option.
A drafted rectangular lug can easily be attached by drilling & tapping 2 holes in the action bottom.
Fly cut top/bottom surfaces of rectangle lug parallel.
Fly cut drafted sides/ends.
C'bore(3/16" depth) both through holes to facilitate surface grinding socket head attachment bolts flush after installation.

TIG Welding is not required,but an option.

Why do this?

Well, I bedded the whole action. No pillars, I don't think you need them with the laminated stock of the XR-100. Didn't bed under the barrel either and the recoil lug post just lost me.


Have you had a chance to shoot it? How did it shoot before you had it bedded?

I just bought one of these rifles yesterday. Did you buy a kit to bed it, if so from whom? Should I shoot it first or just go ahead and have it bedded?

Thanks, TedZ
No, TedZ, FIRST, you should.............

CLEAN IT!!!! THEN go shoot it :D:D:rolleyes: (;)No sheet, TedZ):D "Cleanliness is next to godliness", "A clean rifle is a HAPPY rifle." See ya.
Oh, Ted..........

Quick way, go to a boat store and get a kit of gray Marine Tex, it'll give you plenty of work time(don't dawdle:rolleyes:). Then, when you get that experience, you can explore alternative materials.;)