Bart's Bullets Iced In

Billy Stevens

New member
Bart wanted me to pass along that he does not currently have any power, phone service, or internet. Seems as though the big ice storm penetrated his estate. He'll be back up as soon as he gets power.

"We watched TV by candlelight" ? ;) Don't take this the wrong way, but how old are you??

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?
Jerry, according to your esteemed VP...

Joe Biden stated that President Roosevelt went on TV when the stock market crashed, and reassured the people that everything would be okay. The only problem that this great thinker (Biden) is that Hoover was President and there was no TV. Too bad he is not a Republican. Dan Quale was persecuted for misspelling potato. Oh well, I guess that the double standard is the order of the day. James


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Bart wanted me to pass along that he does not currently have any power, phone service, or internet. Seems as though the big ice storm penetrated his estate. He'll be back up as soon as he gets power.

I spoke to him on Tuesday or Wednesday and he was sitting in his workshop with ten inches of insulation between him and the elements. He told me the power had come on after an outage, was on for about twenty minutes, then off again. I think he'll now finally figure out a way to tap into the natural gas source on his property.
Uphill both ways,huh Jerry?
Yes, again, Joel, and in the snow both ways. Mock just made my point, VP Biden just confirmed it too!! Would you dare doubt a high government official and a famed author??

What a team, Mock and Biden!!!

Poor Kim and Keith!! Stuck with The Bartticus in the cold and the dark...
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Survival tips !

The ice storm/power outage situation seems pretty trivial until you live through one or two. First of all it's winter ! and cold enough for ice ! Secondly, You're not the only person without power,usually the whole town or county is out,that means no gas pumps are working(or kerosene),the grocery stores cash registers aren't working,neither are their refrigeration units so you only have a few days before the meat and milk go bad.the first day is no big deal,kinda fun.Day two and three get creative (how many pair of pants can I wear at one time ?)Day four and five have you listening to the battery powered AM radio trying to figure out how long it will be before the Power company gets you back on line.
Our last ice storm,day four, a "survival expert"gets on the radio and says "if your home has a natural gas or propane hot water heater,you can attach a garden hose to the tank drain,open it a little to let some hot water run through, put the other end of the hose into a floor drain,and then wrap the hose around your body to keep warm.I was on my way to the garage to get the hose when the power came on.Hallelujah !
I'm in Ky as well and without power since 5:10 am Tuesday. I was prepared enough to have things like food, gas, and a generator. It's not any fun and I'm not able to get the work done that I need to, but it is only a minor inconvenience when compared to a real disaster. The elderly, the very young and the sick need the help of the able bodied through these things though. The rest of us will get by just fine down here. We should check in on our family and neighbors and help them in any way that we can. When you pool the resources of the neighborhood, you can certainly make it through this kind of thing. I have listened to too many people pi$$ and moan about how bad this is...What will they do when something bad DOES happen? Most of us here can take care of ourselves pretty well and realize that while we may miss things like electricity, it certainly is not necessary to live. Thank you for your concern, but we Ky folks can and will be just fine. Looking forward to spring though!:)---Mike Ezell
It looks like ...

Bart is right smack dab in the center of things. His town of Leitchfield KY was just featured on CNN.
"Stuck with The Bartticus in the cold and the dark... "

Doesn't THAT just conjure up warm and pleasant images.

brrrrrr.....thanks Jerry....

