

Jeff Youmans
What speeds are y’all pushing the 68 gr ultras. I’m running a 13.75 twist what speed do you recamomend.
What speeds are y’all pushing the 68 gr ultras. I’m running a 13.75 twist what speed do you recamomend.

AJ, I'm not Bart, but I have shot a lot of Ultras.

If it's a 4 groove Krieger or Bartlien, set your seating depth to a hard jam, where your marks look twice as long as they are wide. Then, load it untill it hits 3400.

There are other ways to make them shoot, but I have won a lot of yardages shooting them just like that.
Not Bart but had success using the following

What speeds are y’all pushing the 68 gr ultras. I’m running a 13.75 twist what speed do you recamomend.

I would say between 3375-3425 in a 13.5 or 14TW barrel Krieger or Shilen is what I used. Seating depth 3 thous back in from a hard jam, which I think I got from Bart from what I remember. 29.8-30.1 of N133 (2005&2009 vintage) - Boyer3 Reamer


I typically run them between 3320 and 3380. That's durning the summer and fall shooting season.
