Assualt rifles ban???


Active member
Assualt type rifle ban???

After listening to the second debate the other evening, i figure i better buy a few AR lowers just to have. I am not an AR type of fella, but i figure they might be a cheap investment.
I guess what i need to know is this. Should i just buy the stripped lowers, or do i need to buy complete lowers? The reason i ask is, what will be considered pre ban," if there is one coming" and then there for, ok to own and operate? what will most likely be banned? the magazines? The lowers? I just dont keep up on all this stuff.
I was going to buy all the guys in my family lowers for x-mas this year as well, so i do want to buy a few, i just dont know what to buy. I dont want a half dozen lowers in my safe and then find out i cant build them, or even sell them if need be. I pray and hope that Obama doesnt get re elected, but i dont like to gamble. I am going to assume the worst here. Any thoughts or knowledge on this stuff? thanks Lee
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Lets assume this. Say we have a couple stripped lowers in the safe and a ban is governed. Can we build that rifle like we want it, or will there be guide lines, or possible a complete, no you cant build that rifle . ban. Then what? So lets assue, we already have the rifle, a complete lower, can we then put an upper on it and all is fine?? I just dont know??? Hell they may even ban the uppers, whos to say!!! Lee
I dont want anything plastic. I know a lot of guys are buying these new plastic lowers, but i just dont think its for me. I did read that New Frontier has a new Billet lower for 125 bucks. That sounds pretty good.
Chances are, i will loose interest in this hole AR idea in a day or so. i cant help but think i should have a few stashed back, and i think the men in my family would love one for an X-mas gift, but for me, i just cant seem to get the bug. I did hunt coyotes one hole season with one, and it was fantastic for that. Accuracy was ok, but once you get hooked on ppc accurate, most others chamberings disapoint me. Im not real sure what i will do yet! I was just curious about all this. Lee
I have four AR's of one fashion or another even though I don't shoot them much, for similar reasons that you state. Since the lower is the only thing that ends up on an ATF form, I would suspect that any and all other lower parts and uppers would still be available if there were to be a ban. I'm taking a positive track on this - there WILL be a change in the White House and in a month any talk of a ban will be an after thought.
I don't want to throw cold water on the idea, but I just built an A2 to shoot at Perry next year. I had to scramble to find what I was looking for in a 20" barrel and a lower. I hope you are not too late to the party.
there looks to be plenty of parts and such on the arket from what little looking i have done. Actually the market is saturated with it. Ill probably buy a few stripped lowers. I will give three of them away for gifts and keep a couple in the safe. Lee
Y'all need to do some research.
Diane Finstein and Barbara Boxer have a new definition of an assault rifle.
Oh and I forgot Chuck Schemer.
This was after the 2008 Election. You boys are behind the times.
But, Barry got the Affordable Healthcare thing going.......

By the way. ON Jan. 1 of 2013. 6 Million Dirt POOR people in the U.S. of America will have a Tax bill from the IRS. It starts at $1200 per person in the family of a person with no health care. Courtesy of the HHS Director.

Y'all need to watch the news more. Oh. By the way. I don't watch TV. Since 2011.
Maybe, read some more on, newsmax, and or listen to Rushbo.
Newsbusters is really the leader here.

New Definition of a "Banned Firearm" is anything BLACK. Plus the usual amenities.
That will include your Bench Rifle. It's considered "high power".
Live in the City????...............................?????They will just kick in your door.
Like that guy who made a video, that no one saw.
Barry said that was the reason for the Benghazi attack.
Now known as Benghazi gate........
That guy is still in jail. It's going on 6 weeks...........
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stay on top of parts availability. I was looking at building one earlier and found bolt carrier groups very hard to come by. Found a good deal on a factory gun and went that way instead. Haven't checked BCG availability recently.

Another back door threat is the UN. Clinton is in favor of the UN gun control treaty. She will sign it, then Ears signs it, and if the Dem controlled Senate does not act (do nothing) we are bound to the UN dictates on gun control. 2nd amend will mean nothing.
That can happen no matter how the election turns out.
Hang on guys !!!
Lets assume this. Say we have a couple stripped lowers in the safe and a ban is governed. Can we build that rifle like we want it, or will there be guide lines, or possible a complete, no you cant build that rifle . ban. Then what? So lets assue, we already have the rifle, a complete lower, can we then put an upper on it and all is fine?? I just dont know??? Hell they may even ban the uppers, whos to say!!! Lee

The lower (stripped or otherwise) is the controlled part, and is considered to be a gun. Since no federal license is required to assemble one (unless you are intent on selling it), then the lower will be grandfathered as a complete gun. there is no way to discern between the two.

I have spent enough time in CA -- which has some of the most restrictive AR laws in the nation, and I am an FFL -- so I get to deal with this crap on a regular basis. My only suggestion is to purchase the best quality lower you can afford.
I dont want anything plastic. I know a lot of guys are buying these new plastic lowers, but i just dont think its for me. I did read that New Frontier has a new Billet lower for 125 bucks. That sounds pretty good.
Chances are, i will loose interest in this hole AR idea in a day or so. i cant help but think i should have a few stashed back, and i think the men in my family would love one for an X-mas gift, but for me, i just cant seem to get the bug. I did hunt coyotes one hole season with one, and it was fantastic for that. Accuracy was ok, but once you get hooked on ppc accurate, most others chamberings disapoint me. Im not real sure what i will do yet! I was just curious about all this. Lee

the plastic lowers are showing a high degree of unreliability -- especially with trigger timing issues. I would avoid them like the plague.
It depends on who you choose to listen to. Its probably too early to panic.


it is never to early to panic. If you recall the 2008 election, primers became incredibly scarce for nearly 10 months. AR parts are starting to disappear, and .223 ammo should be purchased ASAP if you are not reloading. Even if you are reloading, there is a shortage of 55 grain bullets already. Natchez has a good deal on .223 ammo. I would avoid 5.56, only because it is much hotter than the .223 and has been known to pop primers regularly.
Disarm the populace and you can do anything you want. Obastphemy's #1 priority. ( Marxist handbook 101)
The lower (stripped or otherwise) is the controlled part, and is considered to be a gun. Since no federal license is required to assemble one (unless you are intent on selling it), then the lower will be grandfathered as a complete gun. there is no way to discern between the two.

I have spent enough time in CA -- which has some of the most restrictive AR laws in the nation, and I am an FFL -- so I get to deal with this crap on a regular basis. My only suggestion is to purchase the best quality lower you can afford.

While you are correct vis a vis the original ban, there is no telling what they might come up with in a new law/rule/regulation.

For instance, they could give you 10 days (or pick a time frame) to present your EBR to your local LE to insure it meets the latest "safety" regulations. Any not presented within that time frame or failing the new regulations could be declared contraband and be subject to seizure.

And don't believe that the Supreme Court will call foul - they have already proven that their decisions are not based on the Constitution.
It depends on who you choose to listen to. Its probably too early to panic. Glenn

Someone needs to instill panic and fear in all industries. Imagined is OK. It's good for the economy and the Gross National Product. Make sure you make good use of the word "Obama" since it was clearly the catalyst for record sales in the gun industry as the article above demonstrates. It should work in other industries too. :D
While you are correct vis a vis the original ban, there is no telling what they might come up with in a new law/rule/regulation.

For instance, they could give you 10 days (or pick a time frame) to present your EBR to your local LE to insure it meets the latest "safety" regulations. Any not presented within that time frame or failing the new regulations could be declared contraband and be subject to seizure.

And don't believe that the Supreme Court will call foul - they have already proven that their decisions are not based on the Constitution.

To hard to enforce -- costs too much money. CA is nearly bankrupt. Most efficient way is to simply prevent importation of restricted parts into the state as is currently done with 'off list' guns.