ARA Club Tournament Oct. 24, 2009 at Chattanooga Rifle Club


Catfish Willy

ARA Club Tournament this Saturday @ 9:00 am. Six targets and lunch for $20.00. $600.00 reward for first sanctioned 2500! Hope we have good weather. Bill
Sorry, posted this in the wrong place the first time. What time do you plan to draw for benches?
Hey Bill,

Trying to ask the same question if Wibur lets it go through. There will probably be two relays from what I'm hearing.
Range hoursl

Will the range be open for practice Friday (Times) and will we draw benches Friday or Saturday morning?
They have someone at the gate at about 7:30am Saturday morning. The club makes them keep the gate closed at all times. Shoud have Bills cell phone number on the gate to get the gate open. They should start drawing around 8:00
Thanks EAL, We will be there by 7 am to open gate. The range will not be open for practice Friday. There will be a 20 min. practice before the match. If we have less than 23 shooters there will only be one relay. Some of the local High Schools moved their Friday night football game to Thursday to avoid bad weather coming in Friday night. Don't know how it will be Saturday morning. Bill