AR-15 trigger



i am working on a 24" heavy barrle AR-15 as a project from my self and am down to the trigger left to buy i'm thinkin of a 2 stage but not sure which one any one have any thoghts on the many out there
why do you want a 2 stage ??
what is the gun used for ?

mike in co
I have 3 Milasso-Krieger triggers, they are fantastic. Problem is finding one.
I installed a Jewell for a friend of mine and it is a good trigger.
If I were buying another trigger is would be a Geisele, all my research indicates they are one of the
best available at the moment.
Timney makes a nice modular.

I have two of them with several thousand rounds on each and no complaints.

ok mil type guns have 2 stage,,,but my BR AR'S have single stage.....well i do have a jewell in one.

mike in co
Who makes a single stage trigger for an AR15 that will adjust down to 1 pound or less and won't break the bank?

In a way, when you pull through the first stage of a Jewel, the second stage becomes the actual trigger. I just recently increased the first stage pull up from about 2 lbs to about 3 lbs, and the second stage to one pound. Now when I pull through the first stage, I have to be very careful to stop at the 2nd stage without pulling through it inadvertently and firing the gun before I'm ready. But, there is no mistsake about pulling through that first 3lb stage of the trigger, and so it is very safe in that manner compared to a straight 1lb trigger. ie; what I mean by that is that I'm already on target when I've pulled through the first 3lbs of the trigger, but I have to concentrate and be careful before I tighten up on that second stage which breaks very easy after pulling through a heavier first stage pull. (No I'm not 3 feet off target when that just usually becomes a flyer that is .25" to .75 off of the group)

But if you insist on a straight 1 lb light trigger and you want the best, then go with the Gieselle. Expect to free lunches with that trigger.

EDIT: Oops, my bad.... I reread the thread and saw that it is Chisolm who wants a 1lb trigger. Not sure exactly what pull weight that you're looking for.
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It wont get to 1 pound but the Knight 2 stage worked best for me.
it was a one off. custom installation but only after i was able to confrim to his satisfaction the the gun was a single shot br rifle.

mike in co
Who makes a single stage trigger for an AR15 that will adjust down to 1 pound or less and won't break the bank?

I shot AR15s for 10+yrs in NRA HP matches, and have been happy with tuned RRA 2-stage triggers. They typically come out of the package with a 5lbs+ total pull, but can be tuned by knocking out the disconnector pin and trimming or replacing the disc. spring. It's not hard to get them safely down to under 3lbs. At one-third the cost of a Geissle, it's a good trigger.
I have used three AR's with the higher priced adjustable Jard single stage triggers. OK but tricky to keep adjusted. Set crisp with 1.5 # they are subject to double or triple tap.

The 2 stage Jewel is OK if you like a 2 stage trigger.

I am currently using a single stage JP, the new "easy install kit" that comes with the adjustable safety. So far so good. Works as described set to 3.5# or 3.0#. Crisp and smooth. Now trying to polish it up and use lighter springs to get the release lighter.

I use the AR Gold triggers in both of my Shilen barreled AR's and they are the finest triggers I've ever squeezed, the first stage is a short light 8oz take up to a very positive second stage that is set at 2lbs and breaks so clean it's unreal, over travel is very short as is the reset but is very positive.

They are pricey but if you haven't tried one I highly recommend it before spending a lot of money on a trigger that isn't near as good, not to mention they are the safest match trigger you can buy.