Any word from Manatee?


Billy Stevens sent me a text and said Gene Buckys won in the morning and Lou Murdica won in the afternoon.

Thats all i got!
Getting off to a great start in 2012!!!

Congratulations Gene and good luck tomorrow....Go gettem Champ!!!

Thanks Andy. Billy told me that he kicked a hornet's nest just to get him in the right frame of mind. James
Lou said it was cold and windy. Didn't mention rain. Nice to see that you can post again. Too bad you can't shoot with us. I see that you are going to try rimfire. Looking forward to shooting that with you. Don
Yeah I would expect alot of wind around Louie just not cold.Never stopped posting that I know of but this looks to be one of your first posts in a real long time you must have been away from the sport for a while?
I really enjoy shooting/competing on a clear and level playing field so I can't say with any honesty that anybody has missed You but your name does seem to come up ALOT.
Do you shoot rimfire? Last I heard you said tuners weren't needed in rimfitre? Can't wait to meet you at a match.
LV100- Gene Bukys- .2360 HV100- Lou Murdica- .2236 HV200- Steve Huff- .3097 LV200- Gene Bukys- .3438
Best Damn Benchrest Shooter in Florida 2012- 5)Gene Bukys/.3711 4)Bill Von Minden/.3618 3)Cecil Peterson/.3431 2)Billy Stevens/.3428 1)Lou Murdica/.3352

We had some tricky conditions this weekend. As usual, cool weather, switchy northerly winds, shooters wearing heavy(for FL) clothing.
Also, as usual, we had a great time, and appreciate all who attended. Thanks.
Good shooting to all and "knock-um-out" Steve. Don't forget Titusville the fourth Sunday.
Mims, Fl
I just got off the phone with Lou. He shot the same load of the new powder all weekend, and the only adjustment that he made was about a thirty second of a turn on his twin disc style Ralph Stewart tuner (less than 4 oz.) that is mounted so that it slightly overhangs the muzzle. He is shooting all Shilen barrels these days. The total range of temperature throughout the day was about 25 degrees ( if I remember correctly). It was windy, humid and cold. Even with the wind, he could see to tune for vertical, which was what the adjustment was for. I will be looking for the release of the Berger bullet that he shot. A lot of design and testing work has been done in its development. I understand that it holds up well in the wind at 200.
Thanks to buddy, danna (sp), dwight and all others who worked they butts off for us to have a chance to shoot in sunny florida. Special thanks to dwight for loaning a fat old cripple his golf cart for the weekend. You think after 8-10 years of freezing at least one day i would learn not to pay attention to weather forecast and bring adequate clothing - but thats what happens when you are old and trusting. Good time had by all - jim casey