"American Sniper" Author Shot, Killed at Gun Range

We had a man shot and killed at a range in Pa. , He was out shooting his AR 15 wirh a suppressor on it. When He went to check his 300yd. target the guy shot him and took his gun. The guy was 42 with 2 young kid,s. The guy claimed he was collecting guns for a revelotion. he did a plea bargin and got life in prison insted of the death penatly !@#$%^&
You just don't expect this sort of thing to happen at a shooting range. Sick people everywhere these days. You Never know when somebody might snap.

I got my Glock 34 just in case I get an opportunity to use it.

Gun range in MI. Has had 2 suicides.

There is no way to stop it.
In CA just go to the bay bridge. Pick one.....
This is strange...

I looked up Rough Creek Lodge on Google Earth and the place does not appear to have a "gun range"...I saw a 5-stand set up and what appears to be a maybe a sporting clays layout...but no pistol or rifle range...It did appear to have a nice lodge, tennis and swimming facility...:confused:

What are the details of the shooting...rifle, pistol, shotgun...or assault weapon..???

Eddie in Texas
I looked up Rough Creek Lodge on Google Earth and the place does not appear to have a "gun range"...I saw a 5-stand set up and what appears to be a maybe a sporting clays layout...but no pistol or rifle range...It did appear to have a nice lodge, tennis and swimming facility...:confused:

What are the details of the shooting...rifle, pistol, shotgun...or assault weapon..???

Eddie in Texas

Glock Pistol
I looked up Rough Creek Lodge on Google Earth and the place does not appear to have a "gun range"...I saw a 5-stand set up and what appears to be a maybe a sporting clays layout...but no pistol or rifle range...It did appear to have a nice lodge, tennis and swimming facility...:confused:

What are the details of the shooting...rifle, pistol, shotgun...or assault weapon..???

Looks like a tactical layout Eddie.


This is some sick sh...t. I guess we need armed guards at Gun Ranges. Or a mandatory psychological screen test for members and guests.

As bad as it is,it could have been worse, had the nut decided to take out other innocent bystanders. He could have done us all a favor by shooting himself in the head.

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No" what we need is the Military to do their job at dischargeing"
People with PTSD AKA battle fatigue need evaluation and treatment before Discharged Fighting men honed to a razors edge that need to be calmed down before being sent back to being a civilian.
I looked up Rough Creek Lodge on Google Earth and the place does not appear to have a "gun range"...I saw a 5-stand set up and what appears to be a maybe a sporting clays layout...but no pistol or rifle range...It did appear to have a nice lodge, tennis and swimming facility...:confused:

What are the details of the shooting...rifle, pistol, shotgun...or assault weapon..???

Eddie in Texas

google earth is sometimes a couple years behind on its images, especially in rural areas.
Rough Creek Shooting Sports

I think they have a 1000 yd range & will rent (at ? $50/hr ?) a Remington 700 in 308 w. Nightforce optics, bipod, mono-pod, etc., etc. to their guests.
Military Responsibility???

my hats off to the Men and Women who volunteer to serve their Country, especially to those that have made the ultimate sacrifice.

The VA is making an effort to do something about PTSD. All Vets returning from War zones are encouraged to voluntarily submit to a series of Psychological exams,Conducted by the VA, to determine if the Vet is eligible for Monetary and Medical assistance.

It doesn't matter if you were assigned to a Combat unit and engaged in actual Combat or if you were assigned to a Support unit. The mere fact that you were in a War zone,(Vietnam Included )makes you eligible to receive compensation.

The screening is suppose to determine how crazy you are,Treatment recommendations, and how big your check is.

The problem is that that the program is being exploited by Vets who are not crazy. Some go so far as to put on a "Play Crazy" Act. to convince screeners. Some have been caught lying and denied Compensation.

I talked to an Employee at the VA who works in the Department that handles these claims. He said that the system was clogged with fraudulent claims. He also said that some combat veterans are reluctant to file claims for fear of being labeled "Crazy" and the possible affect on employment opportunities. I don't think any of these Vets can be forced to submit to psychological treatment,unless they are seriously incapacitated.

I know all this from talking to the VA about a non-stress related claim. My memory is not perfect,so If I mentioned something that is not quite correct,please feel obligated to correct me.

The VA can be a wonderful resource for veterans suffering from PTSD or any number of other injuries or illnesses that were incurred during service. However, I personally know one person that is getting 100% disability for PSTD, it took over two years to get it approved, he is not suffering from anything but greed and found out he could defraud the system.
I personally was told by a VA "psychiatrist" that I could get it, all I had to do was tell them I was having bad dreams, in other words they tried to recruit me into a scam to get more money.
I did not do it.
I've been in the VA system for four years and for the most part....it's a joke. A lot of Vets who really need help can't get it and those who want to exploit the system walk right on through.

The military health care system isn't any better at taking care of it's troops. If you have minor problems like broken bones, internal bleeding, etc...they will discharge you before ever fixing them. Just catch me at a shoot and I'll fill you in. Knew a guy who lost both legs in an IED explosion...military discharged him quickly (did get a medical rating) and the VA denied his claim saying it was not service connected...TRUE.

Don't even think about contacting a congressman or senator over the problems...they don't give a S*** either. They'll write a letter to the VA and the VA will write one back saying the person is in process and being evaluated...end of story.
