ABRA San Angelo Scores 04 25 2015


New member
We had a good day today even with some fickle winds we had some great shooting.

I'd like to thank Bill Wynne who didn't shoot with us today but he came out and helped with scoring of the targets. Thanks Bill.

The high 1st target for the Senior Factory Class was a 180 by Darren Krumweide

High 2nd target was a 184 by Bill Middlebrook.

The high 3rd & 4th target were a 187 & a 186 respectively by Ron Herring

The Senior Factory match winner was Ron Herring with an agg of 182.75 & 202.75 with points.

The high 1st & 2nd target for the Senior Unlimited class was a 191 & 195 respectively by Paul Dyer (look out Boerne)

High 3rd target was a 193 by Dale Burnett

High 4th target was a 188 by Mike Kirkpatrick

The Senior Unlimited winner was Paul Dyer with a 190 agg & 218 with points.

I thought that it would be interesting to note that the top 4 places in Unlimited was separated by only 3.75 points; top 3 by 3.5; and 2nd place by 3 points.
That to me is what makes ABRA FUN - these scores can be so close.

Our next ABRA match is in 4 weeks on May 23rd and many of us are looking forward to the Boerne Club Tournament on the 30th of May.

See you at the Range
Ron Herring