ABRA San Angelo Results 5.25.2019


New member
ABRA San Angelo Match Results 05 25 19
Well, if an ABRA match is on our schedule, it's going to rain! But as it turned out, it was light sprinkles and we were able to set targets; practice and begin the match on time. We had a great turnout with 16 competitors.
Darek Biggs made his 1st appearance of the year - glad to see him - and he outshot the Senior Unlimited class with a 189.75 agg and a high score of 193
Senior Unlimited was won by Allen "travelin" Taylor who took 3 high cards after breaking a tie with Darren Krumwiede on Target 1 and Paul Dyer on Target 2; he had an agg of 188.50. Darren Krumwiede came in 2nd with and agg of 188.25 and the high target of the day with a 194 on target 3. They were followed by Paul Dyer and Jim Swarinin respectively.
Harry Trainer brought his Son-In-Law and Brother-In-Law for their 1st matches, we were glad to see them and hope they will be back. His son-in-law Jason Chegwidden was our 1st ever competitor in the Senior Outlaw Light Barrel class and he shot a 173.50 agg with a high target of 179.
Senior Outlaw Heavy was dominated by Bill Middlebrook who had a "smoking hot" 194.50 agg with all 4 targets in the 190's and a high of 196 on the last target. He was followed by Tom Cunningham and Zack Turner.
Senior Factory 1st place was won by David Strother with a newly smoothed Chacon tuned rifle. David had a 179.75 agg taking 2 high targets and the high for the day of 188.
Ron Herring was 2nd with the other 2 high targets and an agg of 178.75. They were followed by Jerry Willeford; Howard Wilson; Carolyn Wilson; Harry Trainer; and Harry's Brother-in-law Kenneth Sledge.
Ron Herring
