ABRA San Angelo Match Results


San Angelo had their first ABRA shoot today. 12 shooters two of them were juniors. Everyone had a very good time and would like to personal thank all the shooters that attended and a special Thanks to Match Director Ron Herring! A little windy today but not to terribly bad. Scores are very good for the first time out.
Senior Factory Class
1st Place Michael Dennis who averaged 170.667 and also had high target of the match for factory class which was a 176 good shooting Michael!
2nd Place Ronald Herring who averaged 162.333 and won target # 2 with a 165 great shooting Ron!
3rd John Pormann who averaged 153.667 good shooting John!

Senior Unlimited Class
1st Place Lisa Chacon who averaged 177.333 and also had high card of the Match 184.
2nd Place Jim Swaringin who averaged 175.00 Great Job Jim.
3rd Place Bill Middlebrook who averaged 174.333 had high card # 1 with a 176

Junior Shooters
1st Place went to Amanda Dannheim with a average of 148.00 her high card was 156. Good Shooting young lady!!!
2nd Place went to Yiselle Olvera with and average of 99.667 her high card was a 110. Great shooting Yiselle and Happy Birthday!

Thank you again for everyone's participation
Joe, Lisa, & Luke