A guy calls...



Yesterday I received a call from a high powere shooter saying he needed some help with his push feed model 70; the empties won't eject. Well, I tell him to come right over and I will look at it. Seems the spring under the extractor was a bit weak so I put in a longer, more stout one and he was happy.

Here's the dig, when he asked how much he owed me I told him $20 even though I worked on it for almost an hour, including the time he stayed and BS'ed. He then tells me all he has is $14 bucks!!!

Why would anyone make a trip to get a gun repaired and not have any cash on him. When I asked, he said he never carries more than 10 or 20 at a time
In that case, tell him that the charge is $20 and he can bring it by when he wishes to pick the gun up. At that point under most states' commercial codes, you have a mechanic's lien on the finished job and are entitled to retain the work until payment is rendered, unless previous arrangements have been made.
It still astounds me the number of people who think that gunsmiths are supposed to work for next to nothing.
So what was the outcome in your case? Did you settle for the $14 or what? In a couple of cases over the years, I've just told the guy that the job was free... under one condition... that he never come back!
This all assumes of course that you're an FFL, in business, etc. If it's just a "buddy" thing, then I would think that anything goes...
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Jim s a FFL smith and also a member of the American Custom Gunmakers Guild. He is a craftsman's craftsman.



Jim did this rifle for me. This is the Axis it took last weekend.
Thank you, Butch. I meant no slight to Jim with the above comment. With the sign-on "handles," it's sometimes hard to know who's talking. Of course, now I know who he is. Beautiful work by the way. And all the more reason imho not to put up with this sort of crapola from "customers," or to get involved in playing their silly little games..
Don't take my post as a slight to you either. People may not know him and I thought this might clear up any misconception if any about him. Your comments are dead on.
It's best to be upfront (I like this anyway from a consumers point)on work charges (if known)or estimates on charges before work is started. Most service industry people are ALWAYS getting calls/dropbys from a friend of a friend or a cousin 5 x's removed or a neighbor 8 blocks down the street (you never met). It's their thought (IMHO)that because they know someone that knows someone that knows you they get FAMILY/BUDDY price (if there is one). Then there are those that think that SPRING is SOOOO little it can't possibly cost more than a NICKLE (WRONG)and your time is free because hey I called and you said come on over right ..........
Why would anyone make a trip to get a gun repaired and not have any cash on him. When I asked, he said he never carries more than 10 or 20 at a time

Because he was a schmuck. A cheapskate, a moron, a clueless dope. I hope you didn't settle for his pathetic $14.00 holdings. (I bet the guy was lying about that anyway, and probably has a reputation for being all the things I mentioned and then some!)

We all like a good deal. But that guy is a wanker. Too bad etiquette prevents you from naming him.
I dont believe in dickering with someone about their price. However I dont carry much cash nowdays either just $20 or less most of the time.
If he didnt think to look he could have hung himself because he didnt notice or ask about whether you take credit cards/debit cards. but he SHOULD HAVE just went and acquired the money.
The range I normally shoot at takes cash only. I have to try really hard to remember to take cash just in case. But because of that I usually just order what I need if its over 20.00
I have had the same thing happen to me. It has particularly hit after I stopped accepting credit cards. So far I have been lucky -- I gave the customers their gun back along with an invoice and asked that they mail me a check. I am four for four for the past 30 days in getting that check back within a week. I would not do that for a $500 repair for an out-of-town stranger, but I have no issues for less than $100
