6PPC LV Barrel Length & Dimensions



I am looking for advice from more experienced group shooters on 6ppc lv barrel choices. My LV gun will make weight with a barrel at 5 lb. 1 0z using a Weaver 36 at 17 oz. or a lighter 4 lb. 9 oz. barrel with a Leupold 45 comp. at 21 oz. What would be the best length - dimension choice for each weight? In other words, is their some minimum or maximum or best overall length? Or, is there a best dimension? I understand how to pre-calculate the barrel finnish weight, what I seek is your experience from a performance perspective with 6ppc in group competition or perhaps what you have decided is best and why. Thanks.
There isn’t an optimum length necessarily. Most LV benchrest barrels are 21-22” in length. One could get away with a barrel as short as 18” (cut to 18-1/2” to leave a little extra length for recrowning). There will be some velocity loss with the shorter barrel, but it won’t be a significant enough to worry about.

It is more important that the rifle is balanced. A typical LV benchrest rifle with a LV taper barrel much longer than 22” tends to be a little nose heavy.

Greg Walley
Kelbly's, Inc.
Greg. Thanks. What is the best balance point? What handling issues does a person look for what evaluating rifle balance??
I have read and heard that the balance point should be at or about 1" ahead of the front of the action. But I have not practical evidence to prove that. I just try to keep my LV barrels a bit below 5lbs. That seems to work pretty good for me.
