

Alan Schenck

Would it be safe to load 243 Win cases with a load equal in weight, type of powder and bullet that I currently use in my 6 ppc and fill the void space with cream of wheat or poly fiber? Would it be fairly accurate and would the pressure be OK? I shoot a Pre 64 Win. Model 70 and a Browning Medalian both of which shoot very well - under 1 moa. I worry about pressure and possible squib loads. Thanks. Al.

Be carefull!! The wrong load could lead to an explosion and damage to you and your equipment.
I know, because it ruined a rifle on me and I was blind for 9 weeks. Don't play games follow the manual!!
Paul Ryan
You could likely load to get 6 PPC ballistics in your .243, but the accuracy likely wouldn't be there. The .243's throats are likely too long for light BR bullets, and the powder charge would be fairly light so that it might not ignite too well. Using a PPC powder and charge with a big wad of something in front of it could get really ugly faster than you can imagine.
HELL NO, it's not safe. Don

DITTO'S !!!!! Doubled and tripled..... don't even THINK like that!!

I realize that you've got an extra eye and everything but this sort of thinking may well take 'em BOTH out and the upper half of your face with it..... you'll be left crawling about on bloody stumps feeling for the remains of your retinas.

First of all, "burn rate" of powder is highly dependent on case volume and bullet weight. Secondly EVERYTHING in the case including powder weight is "weight" just like the bullet. All of that innocuous "filler" is WEIGHT....... what you're describing is like using a 70,000psi PPC load to push a 200gr bullet......


IF you were to attempt something like this it would require, FIRST of all a "powder only" load and secondly, someone with a dedicated test rifle to try oddball powders.......powders NOT NORMALLY ASSOCIATED with either the PPC or the .243. Sometimes the cast bullet guys play with this sort of thing but with a major difference. Most often the cartridges are straight-sided or nearly straight sided cases and the loads are low velocity loadings more akin to shotgun loads than to high velocity/small bore stuff.

Sorry :eek:

You scared me! :eek:

BTW Allen,

The PPC pushes a 66-68gr bullet in the area of 3250-3450fps, most loading manuals list "starting loads" for the .243 in this range using conventional powders...... NO FILLER! ..... and slower-than-PPC-powders, but dropping down a couple hundred fps with conventional powder is OK..... as listed in the manual.

Go to hodgdon's site and look up youth loads. H4895 can be reduced to 60% of maximun loads in any case that has H4895 as a recomended powder. I would think putting a foreign substance in with the powder would be a bad idea. There are a lot of powders that will work just fine without the case being full. You can't just cut the amount of slow powders below what is recomended by the manual without running a serious risk. You can't just guess at this. Some light loads are just as accurate. I have loaded the 243 down to 2200fps with 60gr HP. I have never had a hang fire, missfire,blowed primer or any problems with light loads. These loads have to be low pressure ,low velocity. Kenny
Thanks guys.

I expected these replies but thought there might be someone out there that had experience in this area. My 6 ppc load is as follows: 26.6 gr of N133, 67 gr Spencer bullet and a Fed 205m primer. I'm not a competitive BR shooter as there isn't much of that being done in northern Minnesota, but this load shoots really well in my rifle and I hoped that it could be adapted to my 243's. Thanks again. BTW Al, I only have one eye now and wear safety glasses 100% of the time.

There is a club in central Mn. we hold matches on the 3rd w/e of the month starting in april. at minnetonka game an fish club. near st. francis. (not too far from you) our winter meeting/dinner is feb 21 in big lake. your more than welcome to attend, meet the members and maybe start shooting in comp.
Alan, For your 243.
VV reloading data lists a minimum of 33.3gr of 133 with a Hornady 70gr SXSP @3084fps. A max of 36.9 of VV 133 for 3219fps with the same 70gr sp.
They also state loads less than minimum charges not recomended.

I would give it a spin with the minimum. Should be a nice mild load. Kenny