600 yards Bridgeville, Delaware


I am heading to bridgeville for the 600 yard match sunday. It is cold here in Pa.
Go Steelers!

That will be a heat wave..Think I will bring my trunks. Right now it is 2 degrees real feel -14, to be like that all weekend here.
Thanks I will be dressed warm, you know the wind down there.

It is miserable out there right now on that I will agree. Since you are apparently about 120 miles NW of me I am surprised it is that cold where you are. It is 15 degrees with a lot of wind here in Frederick right now. At any rate enjoy yourself at Bridgeville I would love to go down there and shoot but its just toooo cold for my wimpy a--.

Brutal Conditions Larry. I'm not sure you missed much, unless you enjoy freezing to death. When are you coming back to shoot with us? Norm
I got the results in the mail when I got home from work it looks like it musta been a tough day. I got the gun out this weekend. Still cant get it to eject the dasher cases but I called Lawton yesterday and there sending me some springs. If that don't work I'm gonna have to have a new bolt made with the extractor and ejector in the proper place. But the big thing is I never got it to shoot. I gotta couple ideas left but it's a longshot if I'll get those VLD's to shoot. If Not Im gonna order some Bibs and Berg 108s to try at tax refund time and maybe make march. Thats also depending If Elk neck opens back up for me to test. I went at Christmas and they were renovating. Lotta friggin if's.