30BR dies



Can I use my Redding 6BR neck dies, with a 30 cal bushing, to neck size a 30BR case?
Are the bushing the only difference between the dies?
When I built my first 30BR, I ordered a set of 7BR dies. 30BR dies were custom and pricey. It's not hard to open up the dies to work.
MY 30Br die is actually a small base 6br die. It was was a bit tight in the area just above
the shoulder. I bored it about .335 which was smaller than the 30br bushing die I had.
It works fine and sizes a touch more at the base. Contacts a bit more at the shoulder
When I built my first 30BR, I ordered a set of 7BR dies. 30BR dies were custom and pricey. It's not hard to open up the dies to work.

I did the same and still use the die although I have bought a Harrels die since. I find the Redding doesn't size my cases enough but then I have used it for 10 years or more! Another thing I did was to buy a BR Small Base die and run my cases through that ever now and again. That die will move the case brass back to where it should be. I think a 308 small base die does about the same and I have one of them also I use on that family of cases. With every 30 BR chamber I have had the area just below the shoulder, body junction grows over time. I think it is a fault in the reamer specs that causes it. That area should be different somehow in the chamber or die; probably the die I guess.
I have a Robinett reamer from PT&G and i was using a redding FL size die to size my 30BR brass. It seemed to work really well. For some darn reason i sold that reamer because i thought i needed a Harrell's. I sent 3 twice fired cases to Harrell's and they sent me a # 2.5 FL die. I personally dont think this die sizes my cases enough. A couple of my shooting buddies have the same reamer and Harrell's sent them number # 3 dies. You know maybe i am wrong about my die as i dont have any problems in the chamber or anything but one thing i have noticed is that after FL sizing with my Harrell's die i can only barley get the fl sized piece of brass up into my Wilson Seating dies. I have two Wilson seating dies and they both are tight. I didn't have that issue with the redding die. I really have to push down on my seat die to get the brass up inside. There again maybe thats a good thing. Its kind of a pain in the neck though. If anyone else here has a Robinett chamber from a PT&G reamer and a Harrell's die, what number Are you using? Just curious! Lee
I have a Robinett reamer from PT&G and i was using a redding FL size die to size my 30BR brass. It seemed to work really well. For some darn reason i sold that reamer because i thought i needed a Harrell's. I sent 3 twice fired cases to Harrell's and they sent me a # 2.5 FL die. I personally dont think this die sizes my cases enough. A couple of my shooting buddies have the same reamer and Harrell's sent them number # 3 dies. You know maybe i am wrong about my die as i dont have any problems in the chamber or anything but one thing i have noticed is that after FL sizing with my Harrell's die i can only barley get the fl sized piece of brass up into my Wilson Seating dies. I have two Wilson seating dies and they both are tight. I didn't have that issue with the redding die. I really have to push down on my seat die to get the brass up inside. There again maybe thats a good thing. Its kind of a pain in the neck though. If anyone else here has a Robinett chamber from a PT&G reamer and a Harrell's die, what number Are you using? Just curious! Lee
Skeetlee, two different gunsmiths can get different chamber sizes from the same reamer
Why not just run the chamber reamer into the Wilson die to open it up? If the sized cases are working fine, I wouldn´t change the sizing die but the seating die.
Skeetlee, I just talked to Harrels yesterday. I was looking to replace a #2.5 that had a scratch in the neck region. I was told to send in a couple of fired cases. I told them I was already using the #2.5 and just needed the die. They said that there had been some occasional issues with shoulder sizing(taper?) and that they made a minor modification to the #2.5 to address this. This might be why the #3 sent to your friends. I have had occasional issues of a sized case lightly sticking in my Wilson seating die, requiring a gentle pry with a flat blade screwdriver. Nothing tight, but caused some concern. I'm just guessing, but the new #2.5 may just do the trick.

I didn't mention this but

my Harrels die doesn't scrunch my brass down enough to suit me either. Mine is a 2.5 as well.

I don't understand what good it is to send fired cases if when one gets the die back and it doesn't size the die enough. As the Medical Examinor in the OJ Simpson case said "Something Wong".

I don't understand why die makers are so generous on their sizing. Normally we would appreciate MORE but not when it comes to die sizing. I believe as brass is used it needs more scrunching, not less
One variable is the action itself. Barrels done with identical reamers, but fitted to different actions, often have different sizing requirements.

Some actions are a bit more....errr....'dynamic' ;) during firing, than others. Add in differences in thread fit, tenon length, etc. and it's no surprise that we sometimes need an extra half-thou. or so here and there.

Ducking for cover, here................:eek: -Al
If I open up my Redding 6 BR neck die to accept the 30 BR bushing can it still be used to neck size the 6 BR?
I've been fooling around with the 30BR for a few months and have gotten some good tips here and some others that sound really great but don't work for me, who has no machine shop of my own. I have found something inexpensive that seems to work well, at least for me. I like the Forster neck/shoulder bump die as it leaves the body alone unlike my Redding body/bump die. Using the Forster I can reset the shoulder to the same place every loading and the fit of the case in the chamber is like a custom FL die, except I get to experiment with neck tension via bushings. The only drawback has been the selection of bushings available as stock items from Forster, but I have been assured by the Forster folks that smaller bushings than .326" will be available and soon. This is good news since all my new Lapua 6BR brass is the thinner necked stuff. They said very soon last month, so I have hopes of getting bushings after the first of the year, maybe. BTW, the die can be used with or without an expander.........
I just opened up my Redding 6mm BR S-neck die to .340" and, with the proper bushing ,it seem to work in neck sizing the 6 BR and the 30 BR cartridges.
(I've been fooling around with the 30BR for a few months and have gotten some good tips here and some others that sound really great but don't work for me, who has no machine shop of my own. I have found something inexpensive that seems to work well, at least for me. I like the Forster neck/shoulder bump die as it leaves the body alone unlike my Redding body/bump die. Using the Forster I can reset the shoulder to the same place every loading and the fit of the case in the chamber is like a custom FL die, except I get to experiment with neck tension via bushings. The only drawback has been the selection of bushings available as stock items from Forster, but I have been assured by the Forster folks that smaller bushings than .326" will be available and soon. This is good news since all my new Lapua 6BR brass is the thinner necked stuff. They said very soon last month, so I have hopes of getting bushings after the first of the year, maybe. BTW, the die can be used with or without an expander......... )

Dont you need to size the base of the case once in a while? I always thought if you dont you will develop a click on the bolt lift?? Lee