300 yd to 1000 yd group spead


New member
I shoot a 6.5-47l and can shoot groups that measure .80 to 1.00 at 300 yds.What can I expect these groups to be at 600 yd and 1000 yds ? Our range only goes out 400 yds.
Thanks for info.
Jeff Fountain
With good conditions and kind wind ..... 1.8 to 2.6 @600 <> 3.7 to 5.2 @1000

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Don't count on it ;)

Unless your velocity spread is less than 10fps within your groups you cannot assume linear trajectory divergence on the vertical plane.

We talking 5-10 shots? Probably 5 IBS. My ES. with 10 shots is 6fps and can shoot 10 shots in 3/4 at 300 but only ave. 7in. at 1000 yards! There's a lot of if's here!

Joe Salt
All the gods in favor and planets aligned: 4"
One little invisible puff of wind caused by a cherrib passing gas: 30"

;) :cool: