.30 wins two-gun group match at Holton.

Joe Krupa

Congratulations to Larry Feusse on winning the two-gun at Holton this past weekend. This was an NBRSA registered group match shooting light and heavy varmint classes at 100- and 200-yards.

Larry shot what he calls a .30 GR. It is a .30-caliber based on the Grendel case and with a .35 degree shoulder. Larry was shooting 112 gr. BIB's and 4227 in a barrel with a twist slower than the 17's or so that some of the .30 BR's are currently using. (Sorry Larry. You told me the barrel and twist, but I forgot.) The gun was cutting conditions and shot some very good groups in the wind. And Larry was guiding it very well, too. All of the other competitors shot a 6PPC with the exception of Rich Quigley who shot a .220 Beggs and Dale Dilligham who shot his .22 (which is either based on a .200 short BR or a .100 short PPC - again I forgot the details.)

I understand now that there were at least three more two-gun wins this year with .30 caliber chamberings - Hal Drake (with a .30BR), Mike Stinnett (with a similar cartridge to Larry's in the Grendel case) and whoever won the Colorado State Championship this past weekend (with a .30-30 - hopefully someone else will report who that was.)

Indeed, the benchrest world is evolving. Perhaps this will keep some of the clabbering down from those who say that we are not experimenting in this sport.
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Just returned from the Colorado State championships in Grand Junction, Colorado and the winner of the 2 gun was shooting a 30-30 Winchester. Yeah, you read that right......A 30-30! Darndest thing I've seen in BR yet.
Of course, he only beat the 2nd and 3rd place guys (who were shooting 6ppc's) by around .002" but a win is still a win.

And it wasn't a trigger pulling contest. Gusty, shifty 15-25 mph winds all day on Sunday. Tricky let-ups and angle changes. Ribbon going up through the field of view and all. It was a sight to see (that is if you had rubbed the sand out of our eyes first).:D
Congrats to Larry, Great shooting. Actually though, I managed to win a two-gun shooting strictly a .30 just before the IBS Nationals at Mainville. Now it appears that two more shooters have done it. I'm assuming that the 30-30 campaigned in Colorado was a certain shooter from NM...
After winning the 100 yd LV Sat morning Larry said, Jeff I think I'll shoot it all weekend. Think he made a wise move, great job Larry!!

Jeff Aberegg

Congrats to Larry, Great shooting. Actually though, I managed to win a two-gun shooting strictly a .30 just before the IBS Nationals at Mainville. Now it appears that two more shooters have done it. I'm assuming that the 30-30 campaigned in Colorado was a certain shooter from NM...

Could this 30-30 shooter be the legendary Michael Turner from NM??? ;)
I did shoot there, but I think the PPC shooters had too much sand in thier eyes to shoot well. I do remember seeing a .096" group, but the best groups I was able to manage was a .177" and a .183". Both 30-30's were in good tune. The LV shooting 115gr Bergers with a case full of RL10X, and the HV shooting 118gr 9 ogive Cheeks with a case full of N133.

I really enjoyed visiting with a lot of great people there. I could have done without all of the dirt blowing around. All in all, lots of great people and great food.


I did shoot there, but I think the PPC shooters had too much sand in thier eyes to shoot well. I do remember seeing a .096" group, but the best groups I was able to manage was a .177" and a .183". Both 30-30's were in good tune. The LV shooting 115gr Bergers with a case full of RL10X, and the HV shooting 118gr 9 ogive Cheeks with a case full of N133.

I really enjoyed visiting with a lot of great people there. I could have done without all of the dirt blowing around. All in all, lots of great people and great food.


a stock .30-.30 or the Aardvark adaptation? Good shooting --Greg
Mike's 30-30

That 30-30 is something to watch, I remember the first Registered Match I saw it at about 4-5 years ago. It was at the Bluebonnet in New Braunfels, he won a yardage, and startled some very fine shooters.

Mike Stennet, (sp), won the Two Gun earlier this Summer at Denton shooting his 30 based on the Grendel Case. He shoots a case full of 4198.

We will see a lot of 30's this week end at Denton in the Varmint for Score Match Saturday.. I haven't shot a score match in a long time, (Ken Starr shoots my 30BR in the Tomball Club Matches), but the Rifle shoots outstanding. I think I might even shoot it Sunday in the HV Group Shoot as well..........jackie
I really enjoyed visiting with a lot of great people there. I could have done without all of the dirt blowing around. All in all, lots of great people and great food.


Absolutely. 42 shooters and not a bad guy in the group. Wonderful time. I enjoyed talking to you about your 30-30 Mike.;)
I did shoot there, but I think the PPC shooters had too much sand in thier eyes to shoot well. I do remember seeing a .096" group, but the best groups I was able to manage was a .177" and a .183". Both 30-30's were in good tune. The LV shooting 115gr Bergers with a case full of RL10X, and the HV shooting 118gr 9 ogive Cheeks with a case full of N133.

I really enjoyed visiting with a lot of great people there. I could have done without all of the dirt blowing around. All in all, lots of great people and great food.


Congratulations Mike...! Great Win!

That 30-30 is one beautiful rifle. And if I remember right Mike built the action himself. Absolutely outstanding job.

a stock .30-.30 or the Aardvark adaptation? Good shooting --Greg

The case is stock with the original shoulder. It's actually better that way. I can explain why if you would ever like to know why. I did make a tight neck reamer, so I basically do similar case prep to the PPC.

Thanks for all the kind words from all.


The case is stock with the original shoulder. It's actually better that way. I can explain why if you would ever like to know why. I did make a tight neck reamer, so I basically do similar case prep to the PPC.

Thanks for all the kind words from all.


I would be interested in some detail. I know how well the Aardvark adaptation of the 30-30 case works and would be interested in your design and the reasons behind it. Are you headspacing on the shoulder and using cases with LR primers? The Aardvark case from talking to several who shoot it in Hunter gun competition is a pain to make. Tks --Greg
Way to go Larry. I figured you would make that Grendel shoot.

We missed you at St Louis. I looked for 3-4 days at the camper map and the sign-up sheet but no Larry.
Thanks Jerry

I just couldn't see the expense and time away from my business. I will be going through some life changing stuff in the next couple of weeks. Fortunately, even though I am 59, I am in great shape, talented and resourceful (and available). 30's are great fun, but its time to survive too.
Mike Turner's win.........

This should be closely scrutinized! Mike does not have a deer license!:p


I would have bought a hunting license before the match, but I have not been drawn for any hunts this year. Hope to see you at Albuquerque in a few days.
