243 Winchester TO 243AI ? Is it worth while?



What are the benfits of reaming my 243 Winchester to 243 Win AI, If any? I know I ream my 22 Hornets to Khornet to increase brass life and slow down or stop brass growth. The velocity gains are negligable with the Hornet. Im sure they are greater with the 243win. Are there any benefits to this 243AI im unaware of? Are there any real benefits in the accuracy department? Its just a Remington 700SPS Varmint, I have installed a H-S Precision stock with pillar bedded, free floated the barrel. Also installed a Timmney trigger set @ 1 lbs.
No real benefit

I am a big fan of the 243AI but I cannot see any real advantage over the standard case.
Its a wicked looking case. I think the only reason Ackley did an improved version was at the request of customers, he felt the 243 was improved. Extra expense for just a little improvement in speed. I had both and never really saw a hugh difference between the improved version and the parent. Just my 10 cents:)
The AI version shoots 70's about the same speed as a std. 243 shoots 60's. It's been many years, but the chosen accuracy load in my std. 243 was 60's doing 3800. A .243AI will push 60's 3950-4000. The current .243AI's are shooting 70's accurately at 3800-3850 depending on bullet - powder - primer - etc. It's not a huge increase, but there's definitely a bump in velocity.
if your set on modifying your 243, instead of going 243 ack... have you considered 6mm rem? It will save you having to mess with fireforming brass etc.
Personally unless you have some "problem" with the gun as is, I wouldnt bother.
a friend of mine uses a 243 ackley with success in fclass with107 sierras.
of interest is that he loads with h1000 and is getting very good barrel life.
I have always wondered about the 6MM AI myself. But then when ever I go there I end up thinking about a 6x284 too.
Just stirring the pot... :D


B moulds,is it a 243AI or 6cm your friend is using?Thank,s,Archie
Short Barrel Life

Barrel life is very, very short with 6 Ackley. I would not consider this chambering for F Class for this reason alone.
Ohh c'MON Joel........ there ya' go interjecting experience again :rolleyes:

ANYbody with a good understanding of Turbulence Point Theory knows as FACT that the longer neck on the 6MM makes the barrel last a whole bunch longer! Them shortnecked .243's just can't hold a candle to the 6MM due to the unburnt powder granules bombarding the throat and sandblasting it to oblivion....it's all about abrasion, not ablation! ;)


Theory is just that

AL- -
Maby not ablation, maby not abrasion, so could it be
All this time I thought those sharp shoulders were to
keep all those "colonels" in the case untill fully consumed,
regardless of neck length.
See how smart I are? Steve
The beauty of the 243 AI is that you will almost NEVER need to trim brass. No sticky bolt issues with higher pressure loads too. The rechambering was well worth it to me.
.243 is a winner...

The .243 is a barrel burner in compared to a 6mmBr. The 40 degree shoulder in the AI may give just a little powder capacity and may allow the powder burn in a different flow pattern. But just look at what John Widden has done with a .243 Winchester . That speaks for itself. Jackie said a mouth full when he said Lapua brass. The 105 Berger is a second mouthfull. I personally beleive the 6mm Remington is slightly more accurate because of the longer neck. For those who were around shooting in the 1960s and early 1970s the 222 and 6mm Remington were the BR cartridges of the day. The .243 won out because 308 brass was abundent and was easy to neck into the .243. It is very difficult to surpass the quality of Lake City Match brass resized, reamed and neck turned to .243. The .243 is a highly accurate, flat shooting cartridge with an abundent list of bullets and powders that work well. Being a low recoil cartridge is is popular as a starter for youth and the ladies as a hunting cartridge. It works well for deer sized game and varmints. It is superior to the .22-250 for ranges over 400 yards.
I thought that any discussion among wildcat followers would have a definite liking for a longer neck ctg such as the 6mm Remington has over the vary short neck .243 Winchester?

I'll take the longer neck every time. But then again I'm shocked that this opinion is not universally held by every wildcatter.

I form all my 6mm Remington based wildcats off of 7X57 brass and would not consider doing it any other way.

To consider a short neck ctg that limits me from seating bullets out to chase throat wear, in my mind is nuts!

You want a 6mm AI, forget the insufferable .243 WINCHESTER.

I'm in total agreement with the use of 7X57 Norma brass for forming. It spends as well as any Lapua brass or better.
6mm BRX???

I currently shoot with the 6mmBr Jedi almost the same as the 6mmBRX. I reckon it is the best 6mm for F-Class. I shoot every distance with it and it out perform most 7mm. Think about it