2010 Western Canada F Class Regional Championship


Terry Perkins

16 Competitors Registered. 47 places remaining

2010 PGW Defence Technologies Inc. Manitoba F Class Rifle Championship

Update Jan 12, 2010
The match has been sanctioned by the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association as the 2010 Western Canada F Class Regional Championship.

Match bulletin now added to MPRA website www.manitobarifle.ca

The Manitoba Provincial Rifle Association is pleased to host the inaugural PGW Defence Technologies Inc. Manitoba F Class Rifle Championship on July 8-11, 2010 at St. Charles Rifle Range, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Grand Prize: A PGW Defence Technologies Inc. Coyote Tactical .308 rifle complete with transit case and accessories. The rifle will be given away to one lucky competitor at a draw to be held during the prize giving on Sunday July 11, 2010. To be eligible, the competitor must have completed all matches on all three days of in the championship, be present at the draw and have a valid PAL.

For more information on the rifle please visit PGW Defence Technology’s website at http://pgwdti.com/index.php?option=c...&id=4&Itemid=6

Schedule / Course of Fire:

Be advised, that due to range capacity limitations, all matches will be fired in squadded relays of three shooters per relay alternating shot for shot.

Thursday July 08, 2010

0800 - 1200 Range set up, registration and rifle inspection
1200 - 1300 Lunch (at competitor’s expense)
1300 – 1500 Registration and rifle inspection (continued)
1300 - 1430 Open practice range at 800yds
1445 – 1700 Open practice range at 1000yds

Friday July 09, 2010

0745 - 1000 2 sighters + 2 and 15 at 800yds
1015 - 1230 2 and 15 at 900yds
1200 - 1330 Catered lunch
1330 - 1545 2 and 15 at 1000yds
1545 - 1800 2 and 15 at 1000yds

1900 BBQ @ PGW Defence workshop

Saturday July 10, 2010

0745 - 1000 2 and 15 at 800yds
1015 - 1230 2 and 15 at 900yds
1200 - 1330 Catered lunch
1330 - 1545 2 and 15 at 1000yds
1545 - 1800 2 and 15 at 1000yds

Sunday July 11, 2010

0745 - 1000 2 and 15 at 900yds
1015 - 1230 2 and 15 at 1000yds
1200 - 1330 Catered lunch
1330 - 1545 2 and 15 at 1000yds
1600 Prize giving

Registration: Pre –registration is required. Entries must be received no later then June 15, 2010. Entries are limited to 63 competitors. Individuals needing to cancel will receive a full refund up to June 15, 2010. Except by prior special arrangement with the match director, all competitors must register in person and have their rifle inspected on Thursday July 8, 2010.

Match fees: Match fee is $400.00.

This all inclusive fee includes target markers/pullers, catered lunches on Fri, Sat and Sun, a BBQ on Sat evening, one match commemorative golf shirt, prizes/trophies and cash prizes for each match and aggregate.

Competitors wishing to shoot in both F/TR and F/Open will be accommodated but must pay two full entry fees.

There are a maximum of 63 slots available so get your registration in early to avoid disappointment.

An “early bird” reduced match fee of $350 is available to all entrants whose registration and fee are received on or before April 15, 2010

Please make your cheque, money order or bank draft payable to Les Dolhun, and send to Les Dolhun, 39 Foxmeadow Drive, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3P 1V1. Do not send cash. Questions or completed registration forms can be emailed and payment made by electronic money transfer (EMT) to dlmuir@mts.net .

Note: In order to proceed, the MPRA must have 40 registered and paid up competitors by April 15, 2010. If there are not 40 paid up registrants by April 15, 2010 the match will be cancelled. All registrants paid up by the deadline are eligible for a reduced entrance fee. In the event of cancellation all registrants will receive a full refund.

Eligibility: Due to insurance requirements and DND range use agreements all competitors must be a current member of a Provincial Rifle Association (PRA) and the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association (DCRA) [limited, associate, service or full member]. Proof of valid PRA and DCRA memberships will be required at time of registration.

For anyone who is not a member of a PRA / DCRA, a combined MPRA and limited associate DCRA membership will be available for purchase at time of registration for a fee of $65.00. The MPRA/DCRA membership form can be downloaded at http://www.manitobarifle.ca/index.ph...d=18&Itemid=30

Any foreign competitors who have proof of current membership in their own national rifle association will only be required to purchase a limited associate membership in the DCRA ($25) for insurance reasons.

Canadian competitors must present a valid Canadian Firearms Licence (PAL or POL) at registration. Non-Residents must present either a valid Canadian Firearms Licence or Non-Resident Firearms Declaration (JUS909) at registration.

Classes of rifle: Two separate rifle classes are recognized under the rules of this match, ‘F’ Open and an MPRA modified version of ‘F’ T/R (aka ICFRA Restricted). The differences are in the calibers, and rifle maximum weight. Competitor dress and aids to shooting: As per ICFRA ‘F’ Class rules. Muzzle brakes are prohibited.

F (Open): As per ICFRA ‘F’ Open Class rules. An ‘F’ Class Open rifle may be of any caliber up to and including 8mm and the overall weight must not exceed 10kg including all attachments (such as, but not limited to, its sights and bipod, if any).

F (T/R) “MPRA modified”: As per ICFRA ‘F’ Restricted rules except that any front rest will be permitted. An F (T/R) “MPRA modified” rifle may be .223 Remington or .308 Winchester or their commercial metrification equivalents. The overall weight must not exceed 8.25kg including all attachments (such as, but not limited to, its sights and bipod, if any).

Please be advised that any rifles (and attachments) to be used by a competitor during the match must be submitted by the competitor for inspection by the match director or his delegate (weighed, safe trigger confirmed, fore end measured, etc.) at the time of registration. Failure to submit a rifle(s) for inspection or use of a rifle which has not been inspected will result in the competitor being deemed ineligible and/or disqualified from prizes.

Rules: This is a Manitoba Provincial Rifle Association event. Endorsement by the DCRA as the 2010 Western Canada Regional F Class Championship is pending. All DCRA F Class rules apply with exceptions as noted.

Targets: Targets used in this match will be the DCRA long range target with F Class centre. In the event of extreme wind conditions causing the LR targets to become unsafe for use, the matches will be shot at 600 yds using a DCRA 300m target with TR centre (resulting in a .5 MOA centre at 600 yds). The decision to move to the 600 yd firing point is at the sole discretion of the match director.

Empty Chamber Indicators (ECI): Safety is paramount! Rifles will have actions open, magazines removed, and an ECI inserted into the chamber at ALL times except - - when on the firing line during the preparation period or during live firing. ECIs will be available for purchase the range during in-person registration.

Preparation period and procedure for clearing the line: At no time is a competitor to leave the firing line with a loaded rifle! All competitors are responsible for safe rifles while on the firing line. At no time should a rifle be removed from position with out the competitor having first placed an ECI in the empty chamber of his/her rifle. This fact must be verified by the competitor’s scorekeeper and the Range Officer. The penalty for violating this rule is disqualification for both competitor and scorekeeper.

At the beginning of each relay competitors will be allowed a 3 minute preparation period. The ECI may be removed but no ammunition may be loaded at this time. Anyone who fires a shot during the preparation period will be scored a miss for the first record shot of that match. Anyone who fires a shot prior to the commencement of the preparation period or during any other non firing period will be disqualified from the competition.

Coaching: Coaching is not allowed during the competition. Coaching is permitted during the practice sessions on Thursday.

Target Service: Competitors will not be required to pull and mark targets. Marking staff services are included in the match fee.

Scoring: Competitors will score. Individuals failing to perform the required scoring duties may be disqualified. Standard DCRA scoring will be used.

Fouling Shots: Competitors will be permitted to take up to two non convertible sighting / fouling shots at the beginning of the first match on Friday morning. The shots must be declared as non convertible before taking them or they will be considered to be the two allowed convertible sighting shots. These shots are included in the time allotted for the relay. There will not be fouling shots on Saturday or Sunday.
