200yd World Record AGG


J Conley

I wanted to congratulate Ralph Stewart on his newly approved Official NBRSA World Record AGG.
Ralph is having a good year and this little .147agg is evidence of the time he puts in at the range.
Congratulations my friend..

Thats great Ralph it is official. It could not have happened to a nicer guy.
Ralph it was my pleasure to have been there when you set this new world record. A great guy and great shooting.

Congrats Gary
New World Record

Hey Ralph,

Congatulations on your new world record confirmation and good luck at the Nationals. ;)
Way to go Ralph. Glad you finally got confirmation. Don't get the BIG HEAD on us!

I know you are working hard at benchrest and it is paying dividends for you. Good luck at the Nationals.

Fantastic job, Ralph. Nobody works harder than you when it comes to attention to detail, and just plain old "get to the range and shoot".

Also, good luck on your quest to make the World Team. Looking good right now.............jackie

Congratulations, I'm proud of you!

During my 22 years in benchrest, I have never known a man quite like Ralph Stewart. He has not only worked hard, he has also worked smart and proven once again that what you receive is usually in direct proportion to what you put in.

Hang in there Ralph! You can do it!

Gene Beggs
Outstanding Ralph..!

Just amazing, the records these day's...!

Thanks for all the best wishes and support.
I hope to see you all at the Nationals, travel safely, and good luck.

Thanks again
Way to go Ralph ! Good luck at the Nationals.

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"