2009 ARA Nationals


Macky Locklin

Over the upcoming Labor Day weekend, the twelfth ARA Nationals will be held, once again at the Bench Rest Rifle Club of St. Louis. Visit the ARA website for an entry form and get signed up early for one of the premier rimfire benchrest rifle events in all of competitive rifle shooting sports.

As usual, in addition to the opportunity to rub shoulders with, and pit your skills against some of the top rimfire shooters in the world, ARA will give away some major door prizes, namely the 2009 ARA Project Rifle. This year, the rifle is being built by Roger Brock, and he has already guaranteed it to be a real shooter! I’ve seen some preliminary pictures, and it looks great. The rifle will be given away to a lucky registered competitor at the conclusion of the Nationals immediately after the awards ceremony on Sunday.

The Match Director, John Parker, is already accepting entry forms, and reports that the event is beginning to fill quickly. In addition to the ARA website, you can also check out www.shootingstl.com/travel for motel information and maps. You can also register and pay online by going to www.shootershack.com, which is John’s site. Entry fee, once again is $90. No increase for three years now. If you prefer, just mail the forms in with your check.

We’ve addressed this before, but I’ll go over it again. The entry form says “Non-Refundable” with regard to your entry fee. Realistically, that only applies to the final week, when a cut-off must be made so the computer information can be input with competitor information, target number, and relay number, bench numbers, so if you have a need to cancel before that time, just contact John. No big deal, just don’t wait until the last minute, and I’m sure that even then, if there were some sort of family emergency, it would be honored.

Join in and see the latest equipment, see and meet the people whose names you see in the top rankings, and soak up the atmosphere. You’ll never regret coming to this event. I can assure you that you’ll consider it one of the greatest experiences in your shooting career.

Maybe I'm missing something but I signed up through www.shootershack.com last year and it was easy. I don't see a link this year. Could somebody tell me what to do other than send in the form.
Hello all,

I will be the Match Director for the ARA Nationals again this year and just wanted to post answers to some of the most common questions I've been getting via e-mail & phone.

1) How do I register on-line?
Go to www.ShooterShack.com and click on the Shopping Cart link. From there you can add entries to your shopping cart similar to most popular websites.

2) Why doesn't it ask for equipment information when I register on-line?
Last year I spent hundreds of hours transferring/modifying equipment information that was entered online due to the variety of spellings and abbreviations. This year I will collect via the snail mail forms, e-mail requests, & at the match.

3) What is the parking situation?
Immediately following the match last year, Macky, Scott Pieper, & Myself sat down to discuss parking. Macky recommended the following:
Tape a line approximately 3 feet from the back edge of the concrete on the firing line that only the current shooters are allowed to cross. Leave the area between the firing line and curbs clear of cars & tents. Vehicles will be allowed to park at these curbs provided they do not block the road that allows access to the rest of the club's ranges. This means if you have a loading trailer, it will have to be dropped and your car parked elsewhere. We will be going with Macky's recommendation on parking this year.


John Parker
Vice President - Bench Rest Rifle Club of Saint Louis

will there be vendors there like at a gun show ?
with products like, cleaning rods, windflags..maybe good stuff ammo ?

:D dancin girls...scott pieper going fly over in his gas powered kite?
Yes there will be vendors there, like a gun show, no. There will be great wind flags, great cleaning rods and rod guides, and great ammo for some guns. There will be guns and rests for sale. There will be barrels too. There will be great friends and friendship there. There will be great competition also. There will be comradarie like no other in rimfire shooting. But, no dancing girls, and no Scott Pieper doing inverse negative G's in his paraplane (that I know of). Come and have a great time, meet some great people and have fun. You'll enjoy it! I promise!

ifn i get there i'll have my shoppin list
1 . IVY cleaning rod
2.slow Eley ammo
3. wish list

bringin tradin materials, glass beads, mirrors, rum, pots and pans..food stamps.. blankets and trade musket:D
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talked to john yesterday-60 + signed up so for..........fred
Wow with less than a week to go for the largest rimfire shoot in the country, there is only 60 something shooters sighed up:( ,,, the country must be in hard times , i was thinking it would be around 125 shooters for this years match,,Guys and girls if by any chance you can make it , it is an excellant match at a pretty nice facility.....Can meet a lot of friends there ,,,,If the good lord is willing we will be there thursday afternoon....hope to see everyone at the nationals .........till then be safe...Scotty:D
Add two. James Goble and myself just paid today. I think that folks have the option of paying online and at the very last minute just showing up and entering so they will come in late. I figure at least a 100. It's a darn shame that it isn't the old days with some 150. It is the coup de gras of rimfire.

A 100 is good Carp. Anything close is good. I guess the biggest one was around 174 or 175 wasn't it?

Wade Hull and I to the list. We would like to be on the same bench with consecutive relays. We will pay when we get there.

Jerry Stiller
174 competitors in 2004 is the largest amount I could find.
