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  1. J

    220 Beggs rechamber from Lilja 22 Waldog

    Hi Sir, I currently have a Lilja 22 Waldog that I'd like to convert into a 220 Beggs. I apologize for not being up to speed, but do you do the gunsmithing work for that? I understand from other posts that you used to offer for sale Dies (from Hornady?) - is that still possible? IS it...
  2. J

    Unknown Cartridge on .30 Caliber - Please help

    Full understanding complete exoneration of you from liability - just looking for ideas - Any idea if a set of .308 Win Improved dies would work with some finesse on the shoulder height? Thanks again! Sean
  3. J

    Unknown Cartridge on .30 Caliber - Please help

    OUTSTANDING! Thank you Steve!! God Bless you and yours! Sean
  4. J

    Unknown Steve Kostanich Cartridge on .30 Caliber - Please help

    Hi fellow OCD's...I purchased at auction a couple of Steve Kostanich's former F-class rifles...both of which the cartridges are a mystery to me. One of them has some cerasafe chamber dimensions that I can't find a match for - appears to have a 30 degree shoulder, neck length of about .402...
  5. J

    Unknown Steve Kostanich Cartridge on .30 Caliber - Please help

    Hi fellow OCD's...I purchased at auction a couple of Steve Kostanich's former F-class rifles...both of which the cartridges are a mystery to me. One of them has some cerasafe chamber dimensions that I can't find a match for - appears to have a 30 degree shoulder, neck length of about .402...
  6. J

    Unknown Cartridge on .30 Caliber - Please help

    Hi fellow OCD's...I purchased at auction a couple of Steve Kostanich's former F-class rifles...both of which the cartridges are a mystery to me. One of them has some cerasafe chamber dimensions that I can't find a match for - appears to have a 30 degree shoulder, neck length of about .402...