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    Lands End Benchrest Shooters Purpla Haze 2018

    PURPLE HAZE 2018 LANDS END BENCH REST SHOOTERS 9/29-30/18 The Purple Haze ended the 2018 Season for the LEBRS. And what a great year it was! With record or near-record attendance at all three of our matches, and was a great time for everyone. A special treat this year was on Saturday...
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    Any results from the Purple Haze match

    Working on shoot report. Results posted soon.
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    Grand Junction benchrest schedule

    LEBRS 2018 Opener Here's the shoot report.
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    Grand Junction benchrest schedule

    I just got the match report done last night. I always send them to Tom to read before posting. We'll get it up here in a day or so. Mark
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    Lapua 220 Russian??

    Over the years I've prepped thousands of pieces of Lapua Russians. The primer pockets and flash holes arnt as uniform as the older ones. My pocket uniformer doesn't clean up some of the new ones at all. I feel like the gold box stuff is different but is it better that I can't prove.
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    A bad day

    Yea what a crock of ****. Bet it's the last. The last time for a lot of things.
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    The 2017 Lands End Purple Haze and season results

    10th Annual Purple Haze Lands End Benchrest Shooters Our tenth anniversary Haze was another great event. If you weren’t there you missed a good one. To pay tribute to our loyal shooters there were no match fees at this shoot. We started Saturday morning off with a...
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    Save The NBRSA?

    OK the board did the right thing? The board did the right thing. Did they? That is the sticking point right there. Where are the examples of his transgressions. Let one person chime in here and say Rodney did this he said this to me. Why hasn't this happened before? It won't, your a smart guy...
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    Save The NBRSA?

    At the supershoot their little meeting was held and they decided then that he should not be on the world team. While I was not there personally this meeting was well known to several others.
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    Save The NBRSA?

    The Rodney Issue On many threads, many more discussions, everything I mean everything in the last few weeks as all related to the Rodney Brown situation. People are starting to try and contact directors, petitions are being signed, things ARE happening. But I hear mentioned that some directors...
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    NBRSA and good standing members

    A guy from out west Here's a guy from out west. I shoot with Rodney, Ive shot Rodney's equipment when I was having trouble. Ive talked with Rodney since this nonsense began,,,,alot. RODNEY admitted to me that Audrey made some mistakes out of anger,,,have you. It never cost the NBRSA a single...
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    NBRSA and good standing members

    Done Deal You will have a fair trial after which you will be executed.
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    NBRSA and good standing members

    The gunfight at the OK corral was a done deal too.
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    NBRSA and good standing members

    What and why While I'm mediocre shooter at best I have enjoyed my shooting and the matches I go to. I have never been to the nationals and few large shoots. I have been an NBRSA member for the last 21 years. All of this chatter deals with a situation we only know one side of that is a truth...
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    222 vs 223

    Question to ask is does he want to shoot or compete. If there are guys shooting these matches with tight neck PPC'S a load and shoot 223 or most anything for that matter wont be competitive. If just wants to have fun that's one thing but after a while of having your tail kicked every time might...
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    6PPC case forming process

    As a newbie to the forum here's my process for forming ppc cases. I expand the neck on a K-M expander. Then turn the neck. My cutter is set up to turn down into the neck junction just a little. Since I use 133 in my ppc I fill the powder up a third to halfway up the neck seat a bullet it and go...