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  1. S

    Very Sad News - Dick Grosbier passes

    Sorry to hear this, Dick will be missed. He did a lot to promote IBS and Thurmont over the years. My condolences and prayers to the family.
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    With deep sorrow and pain to inform you all....

    Sorry to hear of this, will pray for God's comfort and strength dealing with this loss for the family.
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    Match at the Rock 4-22-17

    Not a bad day for a match, had some light rain early but it stopped for flag setting and cleared off for a pretty good dose of mirage for the end of the match. The conditions didn't look bad but there was some strange stuff going on. We had 23 guns, not sure on the breakdown of the classes(...
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    Danny Hensley

    You're welcome Shaw! :)
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    Danny Hensley

    His contact info is on the UBR website listed on the directory page of BR central
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    Match at the Rock 4-22-17

    200 yd match this Sat. start time 9 am. VFS, Custom and factory score classes. There will be a draw for benches.
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    Match at the Rock 3-35-2017 Rockingham co. gun club

    Yep, that would be what we call fat fingering a key! :)
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    Match at the Rock 3-35-2017 Rockingham co. gun club

    The first match of the season is Saturday. It will be a 100 yd. score match, start time is 9 am. They will be a drawing for benchs, I'm not sure how they are handling this but ask someone before you grab a bench and set up so you don't have to move. Weather looks to be good so come on out and shoot.
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    Lake Charles NBRSA VFS Results

    Good shooting Jackie!
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    Hand Priming Tools - 2017

    Yes, the tray is square now.
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    Great barrels or Great Gunsmithing?

    Great barrels trump all, you need a good gunsmith but if the barrel ain't good a perfect chamber job ain't going to make it shoot!
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    Sad News

    I am sorry to report that our good friend Mike Rippey passed away on Jan. 21st after a long battle with cancer. Mike was a good competitor that truly enjoyed the sport and the people in it. Mike shot IBS VFS for a number of years as a member of the infamous snake gang, Jim Wooten(Big Snake) ...
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    6 mm ppc

    most everyone shot 14 twist for yrs. I have heard of some that are using 13.5t as well as the gain twist barrels, I feel sure that 13.5 or 14 twist will work for you.
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    Merry Christmas

    I would like to wish all my friends a merry Christmas. I wish for you all good health and happiness this Christmas season. May your groups be small and your x counts high in the coming year! Steve
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    I am confused

    At 100-200 yds 3/10ths of a grain on bullet weight won't make a difference that you could see. If you are getting vertical, I believe you should look elsewhere.
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    IBS ssoy and rookie of the year final results

    Congrats to Wayne on winning the SSOY! He shot well throughout the year to be close to the top and he finished strong at the end of the season to hold off Dean, It is a well deserved honor! Congrats to Josh on the rookie win, you have had an impressive season. Congrats to Randy Jarvis on the 6X...
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    2017 NBRSA Southeast Region Schedule

    Getting help is a problem at a lot of ranges but the hardest thing is someone to take the responsibility of running the match. They have to put in a tremendous amount of time and work in the weeks leading up to the match making sure that everything gets done. I commend you for offering to help...
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    Happy Thanksgiving

    Thanks Pete and Wilbur, it was good, great food and lots of family (25) to enjoy it with! Hope everyone else's was good too.
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    BIB bullet quandry

    I think you need another 0 in that measurement, BIB 118's have a pressure ring measurement of .3086 and I would assume the 112's are similar, If Barts are .005 smaller they would measure .3036 and I'm quite sure they won't. If .0006 pressure ring won't chamber you are running way to tight on...
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    Shooting in the Lancaster County Virginia Area

    The closest ranges that I know of would be Blackcreek, a 100 yd range just outside of Richmond Va. or Fairfax rod and gun club in Fairfax Va. They have a 100-200 yd range. There is a 1000 yd. range at Quantico in VA. also. Hope that helps.