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  1. J

    Opticle centering

    Fred, you are correct the Leupold website has changed. Been a long time since I looked. This subject came up a while back and I referenced it on a similar question and at the time it was still on Leupold's website.
  2. J

    Opticle centering

    The mirror method has been on the Leupold website for years.
  3. J

    Gonna try something new (for me) tomorra - - -

    "Once I make AA , I'll look into more serious equipment." KO Pete I will confess; I made AA with a Ruger 77/22 VBZ so I went out a bought 2 Anschutz 54's and have never advanced past AA. I've tried a 4000 Plus tuner and Eley tenex. Still need to be on the animal and follow through. Still fun...
  4. J

    Gonna try something new (for me) tomorra - - -

    I have been shooting small bore and high power silhouette for more than 30 years. I can still remember the first time I adjusted my scope for wind during a match. As a spotter you will learn to read mirage. A lot of rifles in the "Standard" class have 2 oz triggers. "Hunter" class are allowed...
  5. J

    Anschutz 54 Sporter Crown Problem

    Who knows the real story on a used rifle? I have a couple of 54's and they both shoot "lights out" Direct from the Anschutz manual: Clean after the first 500 rounds and then after every 5,000 rounds. Yep, more rimfire barrels damaged from cleaning then not cleaning. I won't state my cleaning...
  6. J

    70 winchester action work

    There is a guy over on the 24 hour campfire that goes by the name of Redneck. He is in WI and specializes in Winchester Model 70's. I am certain he can help you. Please do a search. He posts often.
  7. J

    Christmas presents for my family

    "I just bought my wife a new LG washer and dryer. I'm going to buy a Dan Wesson 38 super for her to give me for Christmas. They both cost about the same. I'm sure she'll appreciate that. " Funny, I married my wife because she had a washer and dryer!
  8. J

    What's The Inch Pounds 4 CZ Rings & Base Screws

    That information can be found on the Leupold website
  9. J

    Christmas presents for my family

    Try Gift Cards or just plain MONEY. Hey the first thing they will do is figure out how much the unwanted gift cost anyways. Christmas presents are for kids under 18 years and your wife. My wife likes tools, no kidding. Even kids under 18 like gift cards. They like the idea of buying what ever...
  10. J

    Juenke rifle

    I found one on the net for $450 with scope and composite stock; but it had been rechamber twice. Most likely the restocking will cost more than the value of the rifle. However if it were mine and I liked the way it shoots, I'd pay the costs of restocking. Some of us are not logical when it come...
  11. J

    1942 A Marciante rifle

    So we are to assume the rifle has a custom chambered barrel? What cartridge is it cambered for? Single shot or not? Standard Winchester trigger? Shooters and collectors can be two different breed of cats. Nice looking rifle in the pictures. Best wishes Price $500 to lots of money.
  12. J

    help with scope moving....

    Rubber cement on the rings works GREAT!!!!!! After all is tighten and dry just rub the excess off.
  13. J

    GreyBull Precision Stocks

    Good stuff on the replacement! I can not remember a firearm related part that was not replaced with a smile even if I was the second owner, EXCEPT a new Remington rifle that was missing half the rifling in the barrel. Best wishes
  14. J

    GreyBull Precision Stocks

    Return it?
  15. J

    4 feet of water

    Justin, Not me, but a lot of folks down in Texas. I am now in Wyoming:-)= Smida
  16. J

    4 feet of water

    IF your rifles had been under 4 feet of water and the wood stocks have swollen so much you can't even remove the action screws-----What would you do?
  17. J

    ? About Wyoming Hunting Areas?

    It is the hunter's responsibility to be familiar with the hunt area drawn. Hunting out side the hunt area drawn is called poaching:-)=
  18. J

    ? About Wyoming Hunting Areas?

    Area 67 is known as "Sand Draw" and most of it's boundaries are described as along roads, BUT not all. Get a copy of the 2017 Antelope, Deer and Elk Hunting Regulations where you will find Hunt Area Boundary Descriptions. Area 67 is on page 45. Some of 67 is along the Wind River Reservation...
  19. J

    Swede Mauser...long throat...jump or not much in the neck ?

    Try some Barnes TSX. They are very accurate "IF" seated .050 to .100 off the lands. They are very long for their weight. I shoot the Barnes TSX's in several rifles from 6mm to .338. Once I learned to follow the instructions and seat them way off I was amazed! Don't try and seat the Barnes...
  20. J


    I have two tubes of Permatex RED Threadlocker. I have one tube of Loctite Blue Threadlocker. The BLUE stuff is in a red colored tube and the RED stuff is in Blue colored tubes. Are these collector items????