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  1. dmort

    Sickening, Just Plain Sickening

    What the hell are people thinking? The government is on a crash course and I don't see anyone fixing anything soon. Mort
  2. dmort


    Working on cars. The 40 Ford was my last project. Working under the dash was a killer among other things. The 63 I sold and always regretted it, and that's why I got the 66. My son has it and he sold the 40 Ford for me. I had a lot of fun with the cars. As long as I can reload and shoot I'm a...
  3. dmort


    Thanks guys, can't tell you how much I appreciate your concern. Your advice was right on. I saw the doctor yesterday and when we went thru my pills Celebrex wasn't on the list. When or how it got dropped I don't know but I'm back on. I'm scheduled for injections in three weeks but if the pills...
  4. dmort

    Edgewood new 'Tracker' rear bag reviews

    I remember Mike and in our limited conversations there were no issues ,however he seemed to have a knack for getting crossways with some of folks here. After while no one would respond to his posts and he faded away. Mort
  5. dmort


    I am already taking Celebrex...will see the doctor soon. Thanks Mort
  6. dmort


    Thanks Al but I have been using Voltaren for some time and it doesn't do much any more. I even wear a wrist brace to minimize hand movement. I'm going to bite the bullet and try injections. I have had several in my neck but they never worked...I guess we will see. Mort
  7. dmort


    Given this age group I'm sure I'm not the only one dealing with this, and doing case prep has become a problem. Anyway I went ahead and bought an electric case prep machine and it helps. Not perfect but helps. I don't get around like before and didn't mind killing time doing case prep,. but I...
  8. dmort

    Primer question

    Hi Tim, I didn't get caught short like last time and I have plenty of everything. Some of it I have never used before so I will be at the range more than I usually do. Going to be fun. Mort
  9. dmort

    Anyone Interested in Buying

    I have been gone awhile and sorry to see things as they are. I heard some issues on Accurate Shooter. I have no ideas but hope things work out. Mort
  10. dmort


    Enjoy. Mort
  11. dmort

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    The good old days when life was much simpler. Mort
  12. dmort


    More On Robinett "An Army at Dawn" was one of those books you can't put down. It was written with a great deal of research by Rick Atkison. It was reading this book that I came across the name Robinett. He was a General at the time in North Africa. Atkinson pulls no punches in his critique...
  13. dmort


    Not the same. Thanks for your response Mort
  14. dmort


    I have been wondering since I first saw your name here if you are related an Army officer that served in North Africia 1942/43. I had to give it a shot. Thanks Mort
  15. dmort

    Where to get Hodgdon H4198 powder for 30BR Benchrest ammo

    Thanks Al You answered my question. That stuff (IMR) is really crunchy going thru my powder measure. Going out to the ranch this Sunday. The owner wants to join me. Could be slim pickens this late in the year. It still isn't hot here so we have a chance. Mort
  16. dmort

    Whistle Pigs

    Jeff, PM me your phone #
  17. dmort

    Whistle Pigs

    You weren't invited so what's the point?
  18. dmort

    Where to get Hodgdon H4198 powder for 30BR Benchrest ammo

    I have shot H4198 for decades and my best loads are with this powder. I get .3 and change with my heavy varmint rifle. I made up some IMR loads for testing. Hope I get close to where it was before. My accuracy level might not show a difference. Mort
  19. dmort

    M1 garand

    Tid Bits about the Garand To start with the Garand was my issue rifle for four years and we got along very well. We had to qualify at the range with this rifle every year. So, if you didn't do very well the first time you had the opportunity to improve. In my third year I finally qualified...