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  1. dmort

    St. Thomas Final 2024 Saturday Groundhog Shoot

    I shot trap for 10years and our club would have fun shoots that would draw more participants than a normal shoot. Lots of prizes and you bring people in that normally wouldn't shoot. Fun for everybody. Way to go...good luck with your future shoots. Mort
  2. dmort

    What is the most accurate factory rifle you've owned?

    When I listen to Al on this thread it is so much like him.....We got along and I miss the old fart. Mort
  3. dmort

    Teslong Borescope

    I like the last one ( :
  4. dmort

    New member from Sioux Falls saying hello

    Welcome! Some good people here for sharing information. Good luck with your shooting. Mort
  5. dmort

    Midwest Flooding

    Al, how are you doing with all that water? Hope all is well. Mort
  6. dmort

    Shilen triggers

    Nothing works like a visual from the man and his camera.
  7. dmort

    Shooting-Related, Autobiographical Snippets

    When I worked in the woods I had the advantage of spotting deer most of the year. Some of them I hoped to see again in the fall when my dad came over to hunt. My father wasn't the best off hand shooter and I ended shooting most or all of the deer. He was getting up in years and not getting...
  8. dmort

    Let's talk about bullets

    I have a Swiss B&S. A fine tool.
  9. dmort

    Some Remembrances of Wilbur (the Original Cook and Bottle Washer)

    Sometimes Wilber would come across something he thought would interest shooters and talk about it. On his recommendation I bought a real nice shooting bag and think about him every time I use it. Wilber was a damn good man,
  10. dmort

    Shooting-Related, Autobiographical Snippets

    Most of you know I shoot Whistle Pigs ( Beldon's Ground Squirrel's) on a 1000 acre ranch here in Idaho. The ranch has been in the family since 1862 and has a ton of history. The ranch was much larger at one time but parcels have been sold off by previous generations to make it more...
  11. dmort

    Identify sight #2

    This MK 4 is English with a German eyepiece . How common would that be? The MK4 was made for sniper and rifles for competition.
  12. dmort

    Shooting-Related, Autobiographical Snippets

    That might have been another of her concerns!
  13. dmort

    Shooting-Related, Autobiographical Snippets

    When I was in the Marine Corps qualifying at the range a red flag would be waved in front of your target if you missed. This flag was called "Maggies Drawers". There was spectulation as to what the original Maggie would have thought had she known her skivvies were being waved around at a rifle...
  14. dmort

    Shooting-Related, Autobiographical Snippets

    I was hunting pheasants with my springer when she busted a bird that was hiding in the grass under the snow. It dropped just a little ways offshore on the ice and off she went. When she picked up the bird they both broke thru the ice and her attempts to get back on the ice where going nowhere. I...
  15. dmort

    Bullet making pics.

    Great thread Al. Your photos and presentation make it interesting to read and learn more about the process. Mort
  16. dmort

    New Banner

    I like the new banner...great idea. Mort
  17. dmort

    A Special Thank You to Some Special People

    Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
  18. dmort


    I cancelled my injections this morning thanks to you guys. Good company here. Mort
  19. dmort


    My x-ray showed bone on bone at the base of my thumb. On the positive side I don't have to load the dish washer anymore! Mort
  20. dmort


    There is a ton of advice here for improving your shooting but I have never seen anyone address flinching. I'm sure most people here don't but if you are in doubt here is a way to find out. When I was in boot camp qualifying your range instructor would sometimes hand you a M1 clip with a...