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  1. admin

    Scale Weights

    Pete R. - Having known for a long time the expense of check weights I don't think I ever said I would furnish them to all the clubs. I might have said it was a good an attempt to move on to the next problem. Pete W. - I don't disagree but I do know that a scale that weighs right on...
  2. admin

    ? chucking up a barrel ?

    "................Any opinions on the effect of bore curvature just ahead of the throat ? Don't have an opinion but I have an example. PJ Hart placed well at the Super Shoot (once upon a time) with a barrel (bore) that was very very "curved". So curved that when you looked through it you saw...
  3. admin

    Scale Weights

    Do you recall the fee for the certification?
  4. admin

    Scale Weights 7.5# and two 3# - whichever is the cheapest. If you're gonna have check weights they either need to be certified or have the appearance of being certified. If there's no actual requirement to have check weights, the better choice is to not have check weights. The applicable rule has...
  5. admin

    We all shoot but do we all hunt?

    Didn't expect a response....I was pokin' fun at you for the inference that it was so very obvious that even dumb ol' Wilbur recognized it.
  6. admin

    Is bedding needed ?

    Some rifles shoot like the hammers of hell right out of the box. If it does, don't mess with it. If it doesn't, everything is suspect until eliminated. Doesn't matter if the bedding looks good as it may not be. Shoot a few groups as it is and start fooling with the screws to see if it...
  7. admin

    We all shoot but do we all hunt?

    Hey! What did you mean by: "even Wilbur noticed...." :cool:
  8. admin

    Barrel cleaning

    Posted on the other thread but shoulda done it here. If that "black" patch bothers you, run a patch through with "Sweets", wait a few seconds, and patch it dry - no more black. The black patch doesn't bother me nearly as much as why Sweets eliminates it.
  9. admin

    using Iosso Bore Cleaner

    But....if that "black" patch bothers a patch through with "Sweets", wait a few seconds and wipe it dry. Voila! No more black.
  10. admin

    We all shoot but do we all hunt?

    I don't think Hambone meant it that way but I see your angle. I think it was Jim Zumbo that lost his job by inferring that AR-15 types weren't hunting guns. I used to hunt but quit when it lost entertainment value. Thirty degrees and less is a lot colder than it was 20 years ago.
  11. admin

    OK Buckos!

    I looked at the log. We all share the crime of "moderating" equally - give or take a couple. Y'all really had a time there with that spam attack and I apologize for being gone when that happened.
  12. admin

    OK Buckos!

    Take a pistol loaded with rat shot when you go. The chiggers over there are bigger than nickels.
  13. admin

    OK Buckos!

    A rhetorical question - How do we define "adultly"? In my experience, "adultly" posts can be as disruptive to the intent of the forum as any.
  14. admin

    Wilbur: Now how about the Plaque for the Gold Shooters?

    It's OK Pete. You've "earned" free passage to "go there".
  15. admin

    OK Buckos!

    "innocent collision"......hmmmm I think you're right Charlie - Dave too.
  16. admin

    Wilbur: Now how about the Plaque for the Gold Shooters?

    Sure thing Pete. I found them last week under a bed that was moved. Truthfully, I thought I had already given those to Bill. Rachel asked for them by email and a quick look in the ususal places convinced me further that Rachel was nuts....shoulda known.
  17. admin

    ? chucking up a barrel ?

    Goodness...what an interesting thread. Amazing what you can find here! I just can't help but say that the posts in this thread concerning alignment and the evils therein are excellent but are founded on assumption. Said differently, the initial reference point is the assumption that "straight"...
  18. admin

    OK Buckos!

    Brian - can you direct me to an example of such?
  19. admin

    OK Buckos!

    Allrighty then, getting back to the point, we've determined that there are some that believe Charles deleted too many posts and is misguided with his examples. As they say on Law and Order - "asked and answered". I'm pretty sure that we all know what this forum is supposed to look like and...
  20. admin

    It has been done!!!!! 250-25X IR50/50 card

    Outstanding! Astounding!