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  1. K

    Sako vixen.?

    Actually......I've long used an old wooden clothesline pin clipped to the rod, to accurately indicate one complete rod revolution when pulling the brush back from the muzzle. Old school.......but very accurate, and repeatable. Kevin
  2. K

    Sako vixen.?

    An idea......... I've never heard of a factory Sako 222 barrel with a twist that slow. Perhaps double checking may help. As an aside.....I normally use a bronze bore brush(as it won't skip the lands), while pulling the brush back through the bore(as the brush would tend to tighten on the...
  3. K

    Cleaning Rods?

    Al, Many years ago my Dewey rod handles got hard to turn. Seems that bumping the handle can cause internal dimples in the handle. Took them apart, and found the plastic handle was used as a "race" for the rod bearings. So........I added two trimmed steel washers, to eliminate handle contact...
  4. K

    Neck turning difficulty

    Wow......first I've heard of anyone having that problem.......unless the neck-turner cut too far into the case shoulder. Did you first run cases through the FL PPC die, before expanding with the K&M expand-iron die? Kevin
  5. K

    Neck turning difficulty

    Yep, Al..... I fear that the ol' case "banana" effect discussion may be rearing it's ugly head again.'s a pic of my old case sorting setup(also used for checking EVERY turned not all turning setups are created equal). ? Kevin
  6. K

    Neck turning difficulty

    What neck turner/system are you using? Are you using a "matched" expanding mandrel, prior to turning? The K&M system offers a carbide turning mandrel that also incorporates internal cutting flutes, that eliminate "donuts". Note.....I inspect each turned case, to insure that my set-up is...
  7. K

    Darn Allenhead Bolts

    My old RCBS dies....... ......have a solid die lock ring, with a factory installed hex set screw including lead under the screw. The lead deforms into the die threads when screw is tightened......locking the ring setting. To reset the lock ring......the old instructions said to lightly hit...
  8. K

    Little guy bullet makers

    Al....... I don't see any 17 caliber jackets. What gives???!!:confused: Kevin
  9. K

    bullet stability question

    An idea......... A trip to the JBM Ballistics website may help. I haven't used it in years........but it still may be there. Just a thought, Kevin
  10. K

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    As has been stated many times....... One cannot violate The First Law Of Thermodynamics.....and get away with it. Many have tried......physically or by reasoning.....and failed. Never has worked......never will. edit: Of course.....if we can harness "The Force".......:cool: Just my lousy...
  11. K

    2000 Mules

    Yep.......... And add 2.2 TRILLION dollars to the mix............done deal!!!! My lousy $0.02...... Kevin
  12. K

    12L14 Holee Kowww

    Well......we're at least right about Leupold. I checked a few old clamshell plastic packages......and there it was....on the back....12L14. Later, Kevin
  13. K

    12L14 Holee Kowww

    Al N.......... Aren't most factory rings and bases made from 12L14?? Kevin
  14. K

    The Big Bang!

    The history of........ ......Krakatoa is quite impressive. Many will not agree.......but, compared to Earth's inventory of volcanos......mankinds historical "activity" seems to be pitifully insignificant. Just my lousy $0.02. Kevin
  15. K

    C.O.R.N.Y. virus, Dakota variant....

    Al N.......... You'll know he's serious when he asks about your vernier calipers.:cool: Kevin
  16. K

    C.O.R.N.Y. virus, Dakota variant....

    Say Al.......... You do realize that, back in the day, JB Bore Cleaner was the go-to for lap fitting 1911 style slides to their frames......don't ya???!! :p Later, Kevin
  17. K

    'dobe Walls......

    I was there in the late 90's.... During a PD trip, to the Texas high plains, we made a slight detour to Adobe Walls. Interesting place, although a bit stark. You do get a real grasp of the terrain and distances involved. There's a monument......and I've some old pictures, somewhere, I took...
  18. K

    Walt Berger has passed

    A good man gone....... I spoke with Walt more than a few times over the years. A fine...generous man. R.I.P. Walt Kevin
  19. K

    Notes to self re: removing a glue in

    Dang.....Al !!!! But I'm here for ya....... I've a "spare" leg in the closet........only used about eight years.....vintage!!:rolleyes: Kevin
  20. K

    Kelbly Atlas project

    Great shooting there Al !! I also like those high-dollar (HF) calipers.......only the best, right?? :cool: Kevin