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  1. r44astro

    Bix 'n Andy triggers. Price reduction due to Euro/$

    You are a hell of a guy Chris
  2. r44astro

    stuck cartridge

    Jerry is correct. A man died at St Louis because he left cleaning rod in gun and fired. Bill
  3. r44astro

    Super Shoot 2016

    They did not verify bench and competitor number, just saying. Not to say I'll not make the mistake just have not yet, I am sure my time is coming. When I cross fire it will be my mistake, not the inanimate bench or the range. Bill Greene
  4. r44astro

    Super Shoot 2016

    I thought bench and competitor number was how you lined up. Trout
  5. r44astro

    resizing die

    My sizing die was made same way with Newlon blank. I used a chamber mop with lapping compound, started with 200 and finished with 600 spun it in the lathe. My die is not hardened, works great there are a few scratches left but nothing that has caused me a problem. Bill
  6. r44astro

    Parts for Hood Flags

    515-274-5833 515-556-5833-cell 515-277-6038-fax
  7. r44astro

    survey: what is your total length of reamer use ?

    If you have a HS reamer why would you not run at HS speeds? That is the lesson I received from the Old guy at JGS. I am going to assume he knows. Bill
  8. r44astro

    WTB 6 PPC dies for threaded press

    I would buy from your gunsmith who chambered your barrel. Bill
  9. r44astro

    survey: what is your total length of reamer use ?

    the length of my reamers is less than 10"
  10. r44astro

    2016 group nationals?

    whom gives a hoots Coots? or is it who? troutster
  11. r44astro

    Farley Top Adjustment

    I just looked at my Coaxial Compact, it has bend previously mentioned. PM me if you need picture. Bill Greene
  12. r44astro

    My Kid's First Match

    Congrats Heath! Trout
  13. r44astro

    How to Make a Trout Jump

    I will get even!
  14. r44astro

    Jerry Wick nearly Wins The Mississippi Valley regionals

    Sorry I was not there, thanks for the pictures! Bill
  15. r44astro

    My first screamer

    It is more fun at a registered match or SS. Plus someone else measures. Bill
  16. r44astro

    What is this?

    I asked my girl friend Sherri. She wants to know where the batteries go?
  17. r44astro

    HELP! - Salt Bath Nitriding

    Call Billy Stevens or Dwight Scott, find out when they are sending in some dies. Same price for one or many
  18. r44astro

    Getting Ready for ABRA 2016

    Looks like this could be fun!
  19. r44astro

    Benchrest History Thread

    Thanks Wilbur! Bill Greene