Search results

  1. L

    .204 Ruger

    You need a bullet comparator like the Stoney point tool and I believe Sinclair has one out now too. After you load ammo go over them all with the tool and see if they all are the same seating depth. I had done this before and got up to .004 difference. I thought my seater stem was moving. I...
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    .204 Ruger

    Bedding, scope,bullets. If you have variance on the ogive your seater could be contacting the bullets in a different place higher/lower on the ogive in effect causing bullets to have a different seating depth. but .75 is alot. Do you sort your bullets /
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    Cooper 204 FL die fit.

    A friend of mine has bought a Cooper in 204 be does not reload. He has offered to buy the tools and components to let me load for him. I haven't had any trouble finding load data. But I haven't heard anyone talking about what dies are a good fit for their chamber. I think the rifle in question...
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    coax tops shadetree or farley

    I don't know witch one to get. Will be used for IBS VFS HV gun and IBS 600 LT gun. HELP
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    How to choose a used rifle.

    I dont think he's intresested in competing. He just found out he likes shooting all the bullets through one hole. I have explained to him about rimfire ammo and searching and finding and buying it all and windflags. I havn't looked into it too hard but the only rimfire matches I know about in...
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    How to choose a used rifle.

    I'm a centerfire guy. But a friend of mine bought a Cooper and asked for help in getting started with the proper rest , break-in ect. While we were at the range I let him shoot my benchgun well the bug has bit. The thing is he wants to do it with a rimfire. I dont much about rimfire actions and...
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    I need a barrel!

    Thank you. Thank you all for the fast replies. I have to call my smith to see what contours are suitable and then I will be calling a few of you. Thank you. Larry
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    I need a barrel!

    For an IBS light gun in 6.5x47L. I want it to be 30" what contour should I be looking for,and where am I likely to get it fastest? Thanks. Larry
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    Cure for Cabin Fever

    Try some COW tests. You have regular, instant and chocolate. Which meters the best through your measure, does it cake up or clog the mechanism in any way. Which ones work best for fireforming criteria being efficiency ( what blows out your cases best) whitch gives the best velocity and best...
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    Tax time is here and I'm ready to stock up. Is there anyplace near the MD/PA/DE corner that sells the bigger jugs? Is there anyplace at all that has 8# N133 left? Does Bob white sell powder I'm planning a trip up there in a few weeks. Thanks. Larry
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    The other tuner

    Some manufacturers will lap twice. Once after drilling then again after contouring. To get the correct profile of the bore or lap in a slight choke. When a barrel is contoured the bore opens up on the skinny end.
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    Blowing out 30BR , COW method ???

    Thanks everyone for all your input. The method with the bullet seems the most simple but I'm worried about the bullet skipping down the bore and damaging the lands and besides I'd have to borrow a 6BR seater. So I think I'm going to going to start out trying the COW and wax. If it totally does...
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    Blowing out 30BR , COW method ???

    Jackie I have read your posts on that method, but I only have 1 30BR barrel. If you tell me it won't damage the barrel that would be great. Should I not worry about the .004 headspace difference?
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    Blowing out 30BR , COW method ???

    The fallowing is a quote from another poster on this board. I have always used the expanding mandrel to size up brass but the necks are always crooked. When they are fireformed the neck goes forward crooked. The neck in response to 50,000 psi does not wait until the "short" side comes even with...
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    Blowing out 30BR , COW method ???

    It doesnt help. My main questions still are what is the best way to headspace them for blowing out and do I need to trim them? I measured them with a concentricity gauge from Hollands on the case neck after I expanded them and after firing them sevral times I checked loaded rounds on the ogive...
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    Blowing out 30BR , COW method ???

    When I made my first set of 30BR cases I used a K&M expandiron with the one pass 6-30 mandral and lots of Imperial wax on the mandral and in the necks. Well the cases came out pretty bent, so bad that some wouldn't chamber and had to be run through a FL die and had .015 runout. When I fire...