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  1. C

    Re-chambering Factory Barrels

    I have never re-chambered a factory barrel, everything I have worked on has been an aftermarket blank of good quality. Ive re-chambered a Kreiger barrel that I first made in 22/250 to 22/243 and the process was easy enough and the rifle shot well. I have been put off from working on factory...
  2. C

    Throating for extra speed?

    I know of quite a few 6.5x47 shooters who are getting around 150fps more from the same powder/bullet/primer/barrel length combo. During the load development I was surprised at how early in the charge weight the bolt started to get stiff, I was expecting at least another 100fps or maybe a bit...
  3. C

    Throating for extra speed?

    I recently built a 6.5x47 with a second hand reamer that had 0.070" free bore. The chamber work was well within 0.0005" in all the important areas and the rifle shoots very well. I have a problem though in that Im getting pressure signs a little too quickly during load development and it is...
  4. C

    Taiwan lathe spindle runout

    Your just chasing numbers here, will the rifle actually shoot better if you reduce your chamber runout below what is already a very good standard? Trying to reduce spindle runout to less than 0.0002" on a Taiwanese lathe is like trying to catch Fairies. Which rifle builder on this forum would...
  5. C

    Barrel Profiling

    For all the reasons we know about I would much rather buy the right profile. Every now and again though the need arrises, sometimes its to reprofile an existing barrel or at the minute I have a heavy straight taper blank that is 1.250" at one end and 1.000" at the other with 4" of parallel at...
  6. C

    Barrel Profiling

    Can I ask you guys how you profile on non CNC machines? Are you using a taper turning attachment of some kind and how do you deal with chatter on the slimmer profiles?
  7. C

    Floating reamer holders:

    Pilot or no? I guess the indicator is the judge here and rather than opinions we should be able to deal in facts, surely this same principle would also separate out the different chambering methods?.
  8. C

    Floating reamer holders:

    Can I ask if you have successfully chambered 5 grove barrels using a 6 flute reamer without the bushing? If so what do you consider success in terms of TIR at the throat and chamber mouth? In theory I agree that if your pre-bore is true and you get the reamer in half way you should have enough...
  9. C

    How Good?

    Thanks for your thoughts Mozella, thats pretty much how Ive resolved things to this point.
  10. C

    How Good?

    I think you have picked this situation up wrongly Bill, if Ive portrayed it in such a way to make you think the way you do then its my fault. The guy who showed me his chambering method is a friend, he didn't take any time to train me as such, I stood with him while he chambered and threaded a...
  11. C

    How Good?

    Ive read many times that many a good shooting rifle has been chambered using the steady rest method and without an indicator in sight. Ive also read many times the more logical theory (to me at least) about setting the barrel up in the headstock and dialing in the throat along with another part...
  12. C

    11 degree muzzle crown

    Can anyone tell me the origin of this and if there is any really significance to the 11 degree angle that a target crown is typically cut to? I guess we could crown a muzzle anywhere from square in over. Im not really convinced that pushing the crown in by 11 degrees plays much of a part in...
  13. C

    Pre-bore and pusher.

    Wow, I guess forum spirit is dead among some then? Take some time to think about this Butch. A guy puts a random compilation of thoughts about chambering into a document and then guys like you just link newbies like me to it because you can't be arsed to talk it through again, your not...
  14. C

    Pre-bore and pusher.

    Has it been discussed at length anywhere I could read? Or would you like to share your thoughts?
  15. C

    Pre-bore and pusher.

    My question was regarding any advantages or disadvantages in ditching the pilot bush Jerry, have you ever tried this method?
  16. C

    Pre-bore and pusher.

    Thats interesting, thanks. When you say good results, do you measure these and if so how good is good?
  17. C

    Pre-bore and pusher.

    Ive read a couple of comments on forums from guys who ditch the pilot bushing while using this method and they are getting good results, the idea seems to be to stop the pilot from influencing the reamed as it follows the pre-bore and they also dislike the idea of the bush rubbing up the rifling...
  18. C

    Concentricity in reloading v chambering?

    A lot is talked about concentricity while chambering and working to small tolerances like 0.0002" or less at key points. I can understand a machinists desire to do this, I can also understand the concept of positioning the bullet as close to the centre line of the bore as possible to minimise...
  19. C

    Lets discuss the "other" method of barrel chambering. (kind of long)

    Can I ask what the two point are? I figure one is the throat. Can I also ask what method you use to check your work please?
  20. C

    Barrel Tollerances

    Guys, Ive read stuff like this before but I can seem to find it now. Im curious to know what the top barrel makers give as a tolerance for the bore running straight? Would 0.006" deviation over a 26" barrel seem about right or is it bigger/smaller than that?